

Living in Sweden, speaking some languages.

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Greek Greece

Ούτε στα πιο τρελά σου όνειρα

Slang USED On Occasion BY Most People

(not even in your wildest dreams ) • This phrase is used to show denial over an absurd or unbelievable story.

"Μαμά δεν έχουμε καθόλου ασκήσεις για το σχολείο αύριο." "Ούτε στα πιο τρελά σου όνειρα δεν ισχύει αυτό."

"Mum we don't have any homework for school tomorrow." "Not even in your wildest dreams is this true!"

Greek Greece

oύτε του αγίου πούτσου ανήμερα

Expression USED On Occasion BY Men

(in the reign of Queen Dick) • An expression for something that is almost impossible and can't have happened.

"Χθες βγήκα ραντεβού με τη Φρόσω!" "oύτε του αγίου πούτσου ανήμερα, δεν έγινε αυτό."

"Yesterday I was on a date with Froso!" "This didn't happen even on the reign of Queen Dick."


Greek Greece

Αυτό είναι πιο πιθανό να συμβεί του Του Αγίου Ποτέ

Slang USED Frequently BY Greeks

(this is more possible to happen on St. Nevers day) • This is an expression we use for something that is unlikely to happen.

"Ρε συ πότε θα τελειώσουμε με τις ασκήσεις για το σπίτι;" Αυτό είναι πιο πιθανό να συμβεί του Αγίου Ποτέ.

"When are we going to finish our homework?" "This is more possible to happen on Saint Nevers day."