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French Mostly in the city of Toulouse, France


Name USED Very frequently BY People from the West part of France

(n.) • It's a synonym of 'pain au chocolat', a French pastry.

"Bonjour, je voudrais une chocolatine s'il-vous-plaît."

"Hello, I would like a chocolatine, please."


French Eastern regions, France


Word USED Frequently BY Some People

(adj.) • "Être nareux" or "nareuse" means that you can't use something, like a glass, a bottle, or a spoon, after someone else. It's mostly used by people from the eastern regions of France.

"Si tu n'es pas nareux tu peux boire dans ma bouteille"

"If you are not nareux you can drink in my bottle"

French France

Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(A rolling stone gathers no moss) • Meaning that an adventurous life does not allow you to get materially rich. It comes from the facts that rocks gather moss in the forest.

"Il faut vraiment trouver un travail. Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse."

"You really need to get a job. A rolling stone gathers no moss."

French France

Je suis en susu

Expression USED On Occasion BY Young people

"Je suis en susu" is the abbrevation for "sueur" meaning sweating.

“Je stresse tellement, je suis en susu.“

“I'm so anxious, I'm sweating.”

French France

la moula

Slang USED On Occasion BY Rappers and young people

(n.) • La moula or La moulaga is a slang synonym to "argent" so money. It is mostly used in rap songs and by young people.

"Mais elle est où la moulaga ?"

"But where is the money ?"

French France

ça ne mange pas de pain

Expression USED On Occasion BY everyone

(that doesn't eat bread) • When something doesn't cost anything and it's not bad. Or when you don't have to do much effort to have something.

"Ça mange pas de pain de reprendre un peu de salade!"

"It doesn’t eat bread to eat a little salad!"