sarı çizmeli Mehmet ağa*

* the ağa Mehmet with the yellow boots

Turkish Turkey

Reference USED Frequently BY Usually by older people (age 25+)

Used for someone who is unknown where he/she lives or where he/she is from. Mehmet is a Turkish name and ağa is an old title that can be translated to landlord/landholder or someone who owns land and/or money.

Note: According to an old story/ legend, Mehmet ağa lived in the time of the Ottoman Empire. Once in a while he would visit villages and pay the poor people's debts. He also gave land to the villagers who had just gotten married, but who he was or where he came from no one knew that.

"İsim yok, bu ne? Sarı çizmeli Mehmet ağa."

"He doesn't have a name, what is this/ what in the world? Is he The ağa Mehmet with the yellow boots?"