
Dutch Netherlands


Interjection USED On Occasion BY older generations

An expression of modesty, embarrassment, disappointment, or anger that is fairly inoffensive and tame.

"Gosjemikkie, heb ik alweer de verkeerde sleutel bij me."

"Gosh, I have the wrong key with me again."

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Very Rare Occasion BY older generations

(verb) • (to heaven) • To pass way, to go to heaven.

"Voordat ik ga hemelen wil ik eigenlijk nog wel graag weten wat er precies is gebeurd."

"Before I heaven, I would like to know what exactly happened."


Arabic Egypt

مكسحة وتقول للصايغ تقل الخلخال

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

Used to mock someone who overestimates their abilities or says they can do more than they actually can.

".عادي أنا ممكن أعمل شغلي وشغلك، ريح إنت" ".مكسحة وتقول للصايغ تقل الخلخال. حاول تخلص شغلك بس"

"It's okay I can do my work and yours. You rest." "Barely walks and tells the jeweler to make the anklet heavier. Just try to finish yours."

Polish Poland

stara miłość nie rdzewieje

Proverb USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(old love doesn't rust) • Once you fell in love with someone, you'll always be fond of them, even if you haven't seen each other in a long time; It's easy to reignite the love for your past partners and crushes.

"Nie przeszkadza ci, że twoja żona idzie na imprezę, gdzie będzie jej były?" "Niby dlaczego? To stare dzieje." "Wiesz, jak to mówią: stara miłość nie rdzewieje..."

"Doesn't it bother you that your wife goes to the party where her ex will be?" "Why would it bother me? It's ancient history." "You know what they say: old love doesn't rust..."


Polish Poland

czarna magia

Expression USED Frequently BY Older Generations, my parents

(black magic) • It's is impossible / hard to decipher understand. Usually an humble admission that it is difficult for an individual to understand where a selected few may.

"Polityka to dla mnie jak czarna magia!"

"Politics are like black magic to me!"

Confirmed by 2 people

Welsh Wales

Esgyrn Dafydd!

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(David’s bones!) • It is an expression people use to convey shock over the scale of what is happening/happened. Usually used if what is happening is a big deal.

“Mae Mair wedi colli ei phyrs rhywle yn Llundain!” “Esgyrn Dafydd! Does ganddi dim siawns i ffeindio fo ‘rwan!”

“Mary has lost her purse somewhere in London!” “David’s bones! She has got no chance to find it now!”

Spanish | Huelva Andalucia, Spain


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(noun) • A derogatory term for someone who is not considered important. Also, someone who can't be trusted because they change their mind very frequently.

"Este es un chipichanga, no sirve para nada!" "Este es un chipichanga, no puedes fiarte de el."

"He's such a chipichanga, he's just so useless!" "He's such a chipichanga, you can't trust him."

Hungarian Hungary


Word USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(noun) • (chicken catcher) • Meaning naughty, no-good or even criminal, it roughly translates to 'scoundrel'. Probably comes from 'chicken thief', 'csirkefogó' became a popular word to call tricksters and low-life people. Nowadays it's mostly used in a humorous way, albeit quite rarely.

"Ismerted a Lacit?" "Bizony, nagy csirkefogó volt ám."

"Did you know Laci?" "Indeed, he was a big chicken catcher."


Portuguese Brazil

bater com as dez

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(to beat with ten) • An euphemistic way to say one has died.

"Soube da novidade? O tio Felipe sofreu um infarto e bateu com as dez."

"Have you heard? Uncle Felipe had a heart attack and pushed up daisies."

Portuguese Brazil

picar a mula

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(sting the mule) • To escape from an uncomfortable situation or to be forced to move on or leave by others. For example, as in when a person is being held back at a place by a never-ending stubborn conversation and wants or needs to move on to do other things.

"A conversa está boa e tudo, mas preciso picar a mula."

"The talk is fine and all, but I need to sting the mule."

German Germany


Word USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(n.) • (eastern Frisians‘ Mink) • Ostfriesennerz is the name for these yellow plastic raincoats worn very often at the seaside while the weather is rainy and stormy. The name refers to the Eastern Frisians, who live in the northwesternmost edge of Germany and are often subject to jokes by other Germans, probably due to them historically having sometimes different habits. For example, they were not authority-loving sycophants and had their own tribes and chiefs but no duke.

"Bei dem Schietwetter heute ziehen wir am besten die Ostfriesennerze an."

"While weather is so crappy today we better put on our Eastern Frisians‘ minks."



Spanish Puerto Rico


Word USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(verb) • The action of getting down from something or somewhere.

"Apeate de esa escalera que te caes!" "El nene no quiere apearse del carro."

"Get down from those stairs because you will fall!" "The kid doesn't want to get down from the car"

Italian Italy

datti all'ippica

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(give yourself to horse-riding) • An expression used to invite someone to engage in a brand new craft or job, as they're thought not good at what they do.

"E tu vorresti insegnare a me come si cucina? Ma datti all'ippica!"

"And you want to teach me how to cook? Give yourself to horse-riding!"



Moroccan Darija Morocco

Haq Sh'har

Reference USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(the right of the month) • Euphemism for menstruation.

"Jaha Haq Sh'har mskina."

"Poor thing, she's on her period."

Spanish Argentina

por si las moscas

Expression USED Frequently BY Older Generations

(for if the flies) • This expression can be translated as "just in case".

"Está re nublado, llevá un paraguas por si las moscas."

"It's really cloudy, take an umbrella for if the flies."

Confirmed by 2 people

French | Joual Québec, Canada


Word USED On Occasion BY Older Generations, Countryside people

(n.) • (whistler) • Used to refer to a groundhog, mostly because of the sounds they make when angry (that sounds like a sharp whistle).

"J'ai fini par attraper le siffleux qui détruisait mon jardin !"

"I finally caught the whistler that was destroying my garden!"

Romanian Romania


Word USED In the past BY Older Generations

(adjective) • This word describes someone who wants to struggle to do something.

"Ce se tot coțopenește cu cazmaua aia?"

"Why is he struggling with that shovel?"

Trentino dialect | Trentino Province of Trento, Italy

la morte mbriaga

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(the drunk death) • It's used to indicate someone who looks sick, pale, and/or malnourished as if just a step away from fainting. You would say it directly only if you know the person very well; otherwise, it would be rude and offensive.

"Oh vecio cosa t'elo successo? Te mpari la morte mbriaga!" "Tasi valá... L'è do dì che no dormo!"

"Oh man, what happened to you? You look like the drunk death!" "Oh shut up... I haven't been able to sleep for two days!"

Trentino dialect | Trentino Province of Trento, Italy

te sta come 'n fior su na recia

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(It fits you like a flower on the ear) • It's used ironically when someone does something that causes a bad consequence for him/herself. It's like saying "You brought it on yourself".

"Mama me son taiá! Ero drio a dugar coi curtei e me n'è cascá uno sul pie!" "Ben! Te sta come 'n fior su na recia!"

"Mum, I cut myself! I was playing with knives and one fell on my foot!" "Well! It fits you like a flower on the ear!"


Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED In the past BY Older Generations

Irresistible personal attraction or seduction.

-"Aquele rapaz tem borogodó."

-"That boy has borogodó."