Spanish El Salvador


Word USED Very frequently BY Most People

(adj.) • It describes a nosy person.

"¡Es una conversación privada. No seas meque!"

"This is a private conversation. Don't be meque!"

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish El Salvador

a chuñas

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(adj.) • Another way to say barefoot.

"¡No camines a chuñas en la casa o te vas a enfermar!"

"Don't walk a chuñas around the house or you're gonna get sick!"

Confirmed by 2 people


Spanish Peru


Slang USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • Peruvian way to say "cool", "great" or "awesome"

"Eso es chévere!"

"That's super cool"

Confirmed by 11 people

Spanish Peru


Slang USED Very frequently BY Most People

(n.) • a thief or pickpocket

"Un choro me robó el celular."

"A pickpocket stole my smartphone."

Confirmed by 5 people


Spanish Peru


Slang USED Frequently BY Most People

(n.) • (pitch) • A place to play football

"Están jugando football en la cancha."

"They are playing football in the pitch."

Confirmed by 8 people


Spanish Guatemala


Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • A Guatemalan man or woman.

“El dueño es un chapín de Puerto Barrios.”

“The owner is a chapín from Puerto Barrios.”



Spanish Argentina

cuatro gatos locos

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(four crazy cats) • Used to say that there are few or no people in a place.

"A la fiesta de ayer, solo fueron cuatro gatos locos."

"To yesterday's party, only went four crazy cats."

Confirmed by 10 people


Spanish Argentina


Slang USED Frequently BY young people

(adj.) • Used by young people to say that 1) something is really good or 2) someone is good-looking.

1) "¡La película estuvo buenarda!" 2) "¡Esa chica está buenarda!"

1) "The movie was really good!" 2) "That girl is hot!"

Confirmed by 9 people

Spanish Argentina

pesado como collar de melones

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(heavy like a necklace of melons) • "Pesado" can mean both "heavy" and "annoying", so this phrase is used figuratively when someone is getting on our nerves.

"¡Ese chico es pesado como collar de melones!"

"That guy is heavy like a necklace of melons!"

Confirmed by 8 people

Spanish Argentina

está fresco pa' chomba

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(it's too cold for a polo shirt) • Phrase said when it's cold outside.

"¡Hoy está fresco pa' chomba!"

"Today is too cold for a polo shirt!"

Confirmed by 7 people


Spanish Argentina

la loma del orto

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(the butt's hill) • Used to say when something is located really far away.

"Papá, ¿podrías llevarme a casa de mi amigo?" "No, ¡él vive en la loma del orto!"

"Dad, could you drive me to my friend's house?" "No, he lives in the butt's hill!"

Confirmed by 8 people

Spanish Argentina

del año del pedo

Expression USED Frequently BY Adults

(from the year of the fart) • It is used to say that something is really old.

"¡Esa canción es del año del pedo!"

"That song is from the year of the fart!"

Confirmed by 11 people


Spanish Honduras


Word USED Frequently BY Most People

(n.) • Used to refer to sympathizers of the country's conservative national party and narco-dictator.

"No le importan los derechos del pueblo, fijo es cachureco."

"He doesn't care about people's rights, he must be cachureco."

Spanish Honduras


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(n.) • It's used to refer to cops. The term was originated in the 80s.

"Cuídate de los chepos."

"Beware of the cops."

Spanish Honduras

Nos vamos de pijín

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

Used when you're going out/clubbing.

"Invitá a tu hermano, nos vamos de pijín."

"Invite your brother, we're going clubbing."

Spanish Honduras


Slang USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (child) • Used to refer to a boy or girl.

"El cipote anda corriendo por el campo."

"The boy is running around the field."

Spanish Honduras


Slang USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • This is used in certain regions to refer to a child.

"Ese güirro es buen alumno"

"That boy is a good student"


Spanish Argentina


Slang USED Very frequently BY Teens

(interj.) • It can be used when you say something that you don't want to be taken literally or you're just being silly.

"Sos re lindo, ¿puedo besarte? Ahre jajaja"

"You are very cute, can I kiss you? Ahre hahaha"

Confirmed by 9 people

Spanish | Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina


Slang USED Frequently BY Young people

(v.) • This can be applied to many things: you can chamuyar an exam or a job interview if you get your way around it saying whatever comes to your mind, but intelligently; or you can chamuyar someone, thats is, trying to make them your love partner.

"¿Qué tal te fue el examen de ayer?" "Ah pues tuve que chamuyar, no me sabía nada"

"How did you do at your exam yesterday?" "Oh I had to chamuyar, I didn't know a thing"

Spanish Buenos Aires, Argentina


Word USED Frequently BY Young people

(n.) • A way to refer to your informal love partner.

"Are you and Juan boyfriend and girlfriend? Naaa, he is my chongo. We only see each other from time to time"