English English speaking countries


Portmanteau USED On Occasion BY Most People

(adj.) • To be angry or irritated because of hunger.

"Can you hurry up? I'm starting to get hangry."


English English speaking countries


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY People Opposing Protests

(n.) • Going out of your way to buy from a certain brand that has been boycotted.

“I’ve been buying a lot of t-shirts as part of a buy-cott to save a local business from going under”

Confirmed by 8 people

English English speaking countries

to yap on

Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(v.) • Used when someone keeps talking on and on, without meaning and without sign of stopping

"And then this happened.." "Stop yapping on and get to the point!"

Confirmed by 9 people

English English speaking countries


Acronym USED Frequently BY Young People

Stands for Fear of Missing Out.

"I decided to stay in on Friday night but when I saw the pictures the next day I had major fomo."

Confirmed by 12 people


English English speaking countries


Acronym USED On Occasion BY Most People

Stands for Bring Your Own Beer/Booze. Often found on party invitations or restaurants to indicate that you are welcome to bring your own drinks with you.

"Can we stop at the shop on the way to the party? It's a BYOB kind of thing."

Confirmed by 13 people

English English speaking countries

to make a mountain out of a molehill

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Most People

To make a mountain out of a molehill is to treat a minor problem as something major. Used when somebody is exaggerating.

“I was only 10 minutes late! You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.” “You’re making a mountain out a molehill, you failed one test, it doesn’t mean you’ll fail the whole year”

Confirmed by 3 people

English English speaking countries

in a pickle

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some People

Means that you are in a difficult position with no easy solution.

"I'm in a bit of a pickle - the deadline is tomorrow and my computer just broke."

English English speaking countries

to carry a torch for someone

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

To admire or love somebody in secret. Comes from the metaphor of a burning flame, i.e. to keep a fire burning.

"She's always carried a torch for him, maybe they'll get back together one day."

English English speaking countries


Portmanteau USED On Occasion BY Millenials

(n.) • A modest or self-deprecating statement that has the actual intention of drawing attention to something the speaker is proud of.

"He was complaining about having too many job offers to choose from." "What a humblebrag!"

English English speaking countries

ok, boomer

Expression USED On Occasion BY Millenials

(interj.) • Used in a humorous or ironic manner to dismiss closed-minded opinions from the baby boomer generation (people born between 1946 and 1965) and older people more generally. Often used when someone's opinion is so out-of-touch that it would take too long to explain something to them.

"If you just stopped eating avocado toast, you'd be able to afford a house in no time." "Ok, boomer."

English English speaking countries

keep your chin up

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

Used to encourage someone to remain positive.

"Have you heard back from the job yet?" "No." "Well, keep your chin up, you'll hear soon!"

Confirmed by 11 people

English English speaking countries


Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Young People

Used when texting, short for ''what do you do?''.

''Hey! Wdy?''

Confirmed by 5 people


English England, English speaking countries


Slang USED Frequently BY Quite common, a lot originate from cockney rhyming slang

Expressions related to money used in England: *a quid (a pound) *lady godiva/deep sea diver(£5) *a pony (£25) *a ton (£100) *a monkey (£500) *a grand (£1000)

"Give us the moolah!"

"Give us the money!"

Confirmed by 3 people