French France


Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

To understand or to realise.

"J'avais jamais tilté que les chats marchaient sur leurs orteils !"

"I had never realised that cats walk on their toes!"

French France

comme cul et chemise

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(like ass and shirt) • This expression is a metaphor used to describe friendships, « special » bonds people have.

"Aujourd’hui, il ne s’entendent plus. Mais fut un temps, ils étaient comme cul et chemise."

"Today, they don’t get along anymore. But at some point, they were like ass and shirt."

French France

je m'en bats les couilles

Expression USED Very frequently BY French people

(I beat my testicles with it) • I don't care.

"As-tu vu le nouveau film des Avengers?" "Franchement, je m'en bats les couilles!"

"Did you see the new Avengers movie?" "Frankly, I beat my testicles with it!"

French France

faire des pieds et des mains

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to make feet and hands) • Make incredible efforts to achieve or get something

"Le concert était plein mais il a fait des pieds et des mains pour nous avoir des places !"

"The gig was fully booked but he made feet and hands to get us tickets!"


French France


Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

Abbreviation of "cas social" (social case), which originally is a term for people who have high financial and social difficulties. It is now used to refer to someone who is believed to have such difficulties, e.g. someone who os low educated, rude, not smart...

"Y avait une famille de cassos devant moi à la caisse, ils étaient trop chiants !"

"There was a cassos family in front of me at the checkout, they were so annoying!"

French France

tout ça pour ça

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(all of this for this) • Used when you have put much effort into something and are disappointed of the outcome.

"J'ai révisé toute la semaine pour cet examen et je n'ai eu que 8 !" "Tout ça pour ça !"

"I studied the whole week for this exam and I only got an 8!" "All of this for this!"

Confirmed by 3 people

French France

C'est comme pisser dans un violon.

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(It's like pissing in a violin.) • Used to describe something useless and ineffective, or to complain about not being listened to after asking somebody to do something. Pissing in a violin is ineffective, it won't make a sound.

"Quand je demande à ma fille de ranger ma chambre, c'est comme pisser dans un violon !"

"When I ask my daughter to clean her room, it's like pissing in a violin!"

Confirmed by 3 people

French France


Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(adj.) • A word originated from German and used by some French speakers, used when someone has reached a level of great fatigue or exhaustion.

"Quelle journée !" "Ouais, je suis complètement schlass."

"What a day!" "Yeah, I'm completely schlass."

French France


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • Used to talk about a far away and/or unknown place.

"Il est parti à Pétaouchnok."

"He went to Pétaouchnok."

Confirmed by 2 people


French France

passer comme une lettre à la poste

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some

(to fit like a letter in the letterbox) • Used to describe a situation where everything goes smoothly or as planned. To go off without a hitch.

"J'ai été obligé d'expliquer pourquoi je n'étais pas en classe hier." "Et ?" "Mon histoire est passée comme une lettre à la poste"

"I had to explain why I did not attend class yesterday" "And?" "My story fit like a letter in the letterbox"

Confirmed by 2 people

French France

Ça rentre comme papa dans maman.

Expression USED Frequently BY Young and middle-aged people

(It fits like daddy in mommy.) • To fit like a glove.

"- T'as pu rentrer la voiture dans le garage ? - Ouais, elle est rentrée comme papa dans maman."

"- Did the car fit in the garage? - Yeah, it fits like daddy in mommy."

Confirmed by 2 people

French France

avoir une araignée au plafond

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Everyone

(to have a spider on the ceiling) • Describes someone who is not the brightest or someone crazy. If a spider has the space to make a net inside your head, it is not a good sign, as the spider lives in a room that is not used a lot.

"N'écoute pas ce mec, il a une araignée au plafond." "Ton pote est un peu bizarre, il doit avoir une araignée au plafond."

"Don't listen to this guy, he has a spider on the ceiling." "Your mate is a bit weird, he must have a spider on the ceiling."

Confirmed by 2 people

French France

Bien vu, l'aveugle!

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Anyone

(Well seen, the blind!) • This is something you may say to someone who just discovered something obvious. This is obviously a pun, and "bien vu" actually translates to "well spotted", "good catch".

"T'as déjà remarqué que presque tous les salons de coiffures ont un jeu de mot dans leur nom ?" "Bien vu, l'aveugle !"

"Have you ever noticed that almost every hairdressing salon has a pun in its name?" "Well seen, the blind!"

Confirmed by 5 people


French France

avoir le QI d'une huître

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to have the IQ of an oyster ) • Used to say that someone is really stupid, that someone has no brain.

"Elle est vraiment débile, elle a le QI d'une huître !"

"She's so dumb, she has the IQ of an oyster !"

Confirmed by 7 people

French France

être dans la sauce

Slang USED On Occasion BY Mostly used by young people

(to be in the sauce) • You can use this expression to say that you are in trouble.

"Il n’aurait pas dû dire ça, il va être dans la sauce."

"He should not have said that, he is gonna be in the sauce."

Confirmed by 2 people


French France

s'ennuyer comme un rat mort

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to be bored like a dead rat) • It is used to express extreme boredom.

"Il n'y a rien à faire ici." "Ouais, je m'ennuie comme un rat mort."

"There's nothing to do here." "Yeah, I'm bored to death."

Confirmed by 9 people

French France

aimable comme une porte de prison

Expression USED Frequently BY Adults/old people

(as friendly as a prison's door) • Used to describe someone being rude or cold.

"Il ne m'a pas adressé un seul sourire du séjour, il est aimable comme une porte de prison."

"He didn't smile at me the whole trip, he is as friendly as a prison's door."

Confirmed by 11 people

French France


Name USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • Slang term for euros. Very old slang word (19th) that used to designate a Franc. The term suffered a decline in use after the changeover to the euro before being used frequently again.

"T’as pas dix balles ?"

"Do you have ten euros ?"

Confirmed by 9 people

French France


Name USED Frequently BY Adults

A masculine name which can be used to designate a boyfriend.

"Julien, c'est ton Jules?"

"Is Julian your Jules?"

Confirmed by 8 people



French France


Name USED On Occasion BY Young People

It is a name used to refer to a stereotypical man, who is in love with his car and practices car tuning. Other characteritics would be wearing a mulet, watching football (and Pimp My Ride), drinking a lot of beer, calling his wife "mum", etc.

"Un mec qui pose à côté de sa voiture sur sa photo de profil, c'est clairement un jacky!"

"A guy posing next to his car on his profile pic is clearly a jacky!"

Confirmed by 4 people