Romanian Romania

a da la rațe

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to feed the ducks) • To vomit.

"Ai băut atât de mult aseară, încât ai dat la rațe."

"You drank so much last night that you fed the ducks."

Confirmed by 2 people

Romanian Romania

a freca menta

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(to rub the mint) • It means to waste time, to do something useless, to be lazy.

"Nu mai freca menta și fă-ți temele!"

"Stop rubbing the mint and do your homework!"

Confirmed by 4 people

Romanian Romania

aragaz cu patru ochi

Slang USED Very frequently BY Children, Teens

(stove with four eyes) • It is a mild insult to people who wear glasses, frequently used among classmates.

"Alex a început să poarte ochelari. E un aragaz cu patru ochi."

"Alex started to wear glasses. He is a stove with four eyes."

Confirmed by 4 people

Romanian Romania

A-i pica fisa

Expression USED Frequently BY everyone

(When your coin drops) • When you find an answer to a specific problem that bothered you for a long time; When you have a revelation.

"When I explained to her the chemistry exercise, her coin dropped and she finally understood it."

"Când i-am explicat exercițiul de chimie, i-a picat fisa și l-a înțeles în sfârșit."

Romanian Romania


Interjection USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(cats) • It is a kid friendly equivalent of "oh, shit!". It is used to express surprise or when somebody is upset.

"Iar am picat examenul la literatură. Pisici..."

"I failed the literature exam again. Cats..."

Romanian Romania and Moldova

a trage un pui de somn

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to shoot a chicken of sleep) • to take a nap

"Mai bine să nu tragi un pui de somn la muncă!"

"Better not shoot a chicken of sleep at work!"

Confirmed by 4 people


Romanian Romania and Moldova

clar ca bună ziua

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(clear as day) • Crystal clear.

"E clar ca bună ziua că trebuie să-ți faci lecțiile."

"It's clear as day that you have to do your homework."

Confirmed by 4 people


Romanian Romania and Moldova

a mânca cuiva zilele

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(To eat someone's days) • To embitter or torment. It is used to describe a very unpleasant experience.

"Slujba asta îmi mănâncă zilele."

"This job is eating me alive."


Romanian Romania

a tăia frunză la câine

Idiom USED On Occasion BY EVERYONE

(to cut the leaf to the dog) • to waste time

"Nu tăia frunză la câine, găsește-ți o ocupație!"

"Do not cut the dog's leaf, find an occupation!"

Confirmed by 2 people

Romanian Romania and Moldova

a călca pe bec

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to step on a lightbulb) • To make a mistake resulting in your own misfortune.

"Gui a călcat pe bec și a fost concediat."

"Gui stepped on a lightbulb and was fired."

Romanian Romania

A avea un morcov în fund

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(To have a carrot in the bum) • To look nervous or uncomfortable.

"Ultima oară când am vorbit cu un bou de polițist, arătam ca și cum aveam un morcov în fund."

"The last time I spoke with an ox of a cop, I looked like I had a carrot in the ass."

Romanian Romania and Moldova

la mama naibii

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(at the devil's mother) • It means far away.

"Acum sunt aici la mama naibii, încercând să demonstrez ceva."

"Now I'm down here at the devil's mother, trying to prove something."


Romanian Romania and Moldova

a ploua cu galeata

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to rain with the bucket) • to rain very heavily

"Și a început să plouă cu găleata și ne-am adăpostit în magazinul ăla mic de încălțări."

"And it started to rain with the bucket, and we ducked into that little shoe store."

Romanian Romania and Moldova

a scoate din pepeni

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to take out of watermelons) • to drive nuts

"Mă scoți din pepeni intenționat, nu?"

"You're taking me out of watermelons on purpose, right?"

Romanian Romania

televizorul are purici

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(the TV has fleas) • It means that there's static on the TV.

"Televizorul nu merge deloc, are purici."

"The TV doesn't work at all, it has fleas."


Romanian Romania

a merge pe mâna cuiva

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to walk on someone's hand) • It means to trust someone.

"Dacă mergi pe mâna mea, ei își păstrează slujbele."

"If you walk on my hand, they keep their jobs."

Romanian Romania

a-i pica fața

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to drop his face) • It means that someone is surprised.

"Minciună! Ți-a picat fața când am întrebat."

"Lie! You dropped your face when I asked."

Romanian Romania

Ai mâncat sticlă?

Expression USED In the past BY Almost Everyone

(Have you eaten glass?) • It is like asking if someone thinks he is transparent and you could look through him.

"De ce stai în fața televizorului? Ai mâncat sticlă?"

"Why are you sitting in front of the TV? Have you eaten glass?"

Romanian Romania

a fi încăpățânat ca un catâr

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to be stubborn like a mule) • to be stubborn

"Mișcă-te! Nu fi încăpățânat ca un catâr!"

"Move! Don't be stubborn like a mule!"

Romanian Romania

Cu pula-n cur și cu sufletu-n Rai

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(With the dick in your ass and your soul in Heaven) • The expression means that you can't expect to do bad things and not suffer the consequences.

"Am înșelat-o pe soția mea și acum vrea să divorțeze de mine!" ''Nu poti fi cu pula-n cur și cu sufletu-n Rai.''

"I cheated on my wife and now she wants to divorce me!" "You can't be with the dick in your ass and your soul in Heaven."