

French France

bec et ongles

Expression USED In the past BY Novel authors

(beak and nails) • It's used to describe a fierce behaviour, specifically when defending someone's belongings or loved ones, like a mother bird would do for her younglings.

"La vieille dame se fit houspiller de part et d'autre au milieu de la foule pour ses propos. Elle se défendit bec et ongles et avait un contre-argument pour chacun des hurlements qui lui étaient proférés."

"The old lady was being harassed from all sides in the middle of the crowd for what she said. She defended tooth and nail and had a counter-argument for anything one yelled at her."

English Minnesota, United States

cool beans!

Expression USED In the past BY Almost Everyone

It's a way of saying that something is great.

"See you at my place at 3pm?" "Cool beans!"


English United Kingdom


Hashtag USED In the past BY Most People

Hashtag used to express gratitude for NHS workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Refers to the act of clapping outside your house at 8pm on a Thursday night.

"A special #ClapForCarers will take place at 5pm today as we say happy birthday to our precious NHS."


Spanish Spanish speaking countries


Hashtag USED In the past BY Everyone

(#Iwillstayhome) • Hashtag used during the COVID-19 pandemic to encourage people to follow the quarantine.

"#YoMeQuedoEnCasa ¿y tú?"

"#Iwillstayhome and you?"

Italian Italy


Hashtag USED In the past BY Some People

(#Iwillstayhome) • A hashtag created during the coronavirus crisis to encourage people to stay home and to follow social distancing rules.

"Oggi #iorestoacasa e dovreste farlo anche voi!"

"Today #Iwillstayhome and you should do so too!"

Confirmed by 11 people

English United Kingdom

got the morbs

Expression USED In the past BY Victorians in the 1880's

Used to describe temporary melancholia, coined from the word "morbid".

"I've got the morbs walking around this cemetery."

Confirmed by 3 people


French France

Quand les poules auront des dents

Expression USED In the past BY Older Generations

(When chickens have teeth) • Hyperbolic figure of speech describing something so unlikely it would never happen. French equivalent of "when pigs fly".

"J'espère qu'un jour il réalisera qu'il faut nettoyer sa chambre..." "Ouais, quand les poules auront des dents..."

"I hope he will someday understand he needs to clean his room." "Yeah, when chickens have teeth..."

Spanish Argentina


Expression USED In the past BY Teens

(adj.) • (deadly) • Extremely good.

“Ese CD está mortal.”

“That CD is deadly.”

Confirmed by 10 people


Zulu South Africa


Expression USED In the past BY Almost Everyone

Used to express delight or excitement.

"There is a 75% off sale at the mall." "That's ayoba!"


English United Kingdom


Name USED In the past BY Friends

(n.) • Form of address between close (male) friends.

"How you doing, squire?"

Confirmed by 3 people

English Devon and Cornwall, England

cakey tea

Standard Phrase USED In the past BY Older Generations

(n.) • Having a cup of tea with baked goods, usually after lunch. Similar to afternoon tea.

"Come around and we’ll have cakey tea."

Confirmed by 3 people

Malay Malaysia


Hashtag USED In the past BY Some People

A hashtag created during the COVID-19 crisis to encourage people to stay at home.

"Day 40 #DudukRumah"

"Day 40 #StayAtHome"

Confirmed by 2 people

German Germany


Expression USED In the past BY nearly everyone

(adj.) • Knorke was used around 2000-2010 as an adjective of acceptance and finding something nice.

"Das ist echt knorke."

"This is really nice."

Confirmed by 12 people

Romanian Romania

Ai mâncat sticlă?

Expression USED In the past BY Almost Everyone

(Have you eaten glass?) • It is like asking if someone thinks he is transparent and you could look through him.

"De ce stai în fața televizorului? Ai mâncat sticlă?"

"Why are you sitting in front of the TV? Have you eaten glass?"

French France

ça casse pas trois pattes à un canard

Expression USED In the past BY Everyone

(it doesn't break three legs to a duck ) • Not really impressive or significant. It is a bit old now, more used for humoristic emphasis.

"Franchement, ce film ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard."

"Honestly, that movie doesn't break three paws to a duck."

Confirmed by 10 people

Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Abbreviation USED In the past BY Almost Everyone

(thanks) • Internet slang abbreviation for "spasibo", meaning "thanks".

"Îmi place foarte mult rochia ta!" "Spasibo!"

"I really like your dress!" "Thanks!"