Italian Italy

mica pizza e fichi

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(not just a pizza with figs) • Used to indicate that something is not cheap, trivial or simple, but actually special in some way. Pizza and figs were typically cheap lower-class foods, so something not being pizza with figs means that it is not lower-class.

"Ha un dottorato in astrofisica, mica pizza e fichi!"

"She has a PhD in astrophysics, not just a mere pizza with figs!"

Italian | Milanese Lombardy, Italy

va a ciapà i ratt

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(Go get the rats) • It literally means "Go get the rats". It is used when you want to tell someone to get lost.

"Sei proprio fastidioso, va a ciapà i ratt!"

"You are annoying, go get the rats!"

Furlan Friuli, Italy

al è dut un veri

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(everything is glass) • Expression is used to describe to other people on the icy conditions of roads or pavements, as a consequence of air moisture freezing over surfaces.

"Ocjo, c’al è dut un veri "

"Careful, outside everything is glass."

Polish Poland


Reference USED On Occasion BY Edgy teens

Time of death of Polish Pope John Paul II. Used mostly just to be edgy.

Hour hits 21:37 (9:37 pm), edgy teens on discord: "2137!!!!!" proceeded with a lot of gifs with Pope.

Hebrew Israel

פרה פרה

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(cow cow) • The idiom comes from an old joke, and means "Slowly", or "One thing at a time."

"אם נשתמש בתכניקה הזאת, נוכל לעשות את כל המטלות בבת אחת!" "פרה פרה, אין שום צורך למהר. אפשר לעבור על כל מטלה לעצמה."

"If we use this technique, we could do all the tasks at once!" "Cow cow, there is no need to rush. We could go over each task on its own."

Germany Germany


Name USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(seat peeer) • A man who sits down when peeing.

"Der ist so ein Sitzpinkler"

"He is such a seat peeer."

Dutch Belgium and the Netherlands


Name USED On Occasion BY angry and annoyed people

Pipo is a name for someone that is acting stupid or ridiculous. Pipo is a clown name, so you're calling someone a clown.

"Goed gedaan Pipo, diesel in een benzine-auto."

"Nice going Pipo, you put diesel in a gasoline car."

British English UK Territories

Bob's your uncle

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Anyone

Used to express something which is easily follows another. As in, "there you have it", "there you go", "simple as that", etc.

"Got a muddy carpet problem? Just leave your shoes at the door and, Bob's your uncle, you'll keep those floors nice and clean!"

"Got a muddy carpet problem? Just leave your shoes at the door and, there you have it, you'll keep those floors nice and clean!"

Spanish Spain

donde cristo perdio el mechero

Idiom USED On Occasion BY some people

It means something very very far in a very remote and hard to determine place.

"Carlos vive donde Cristo perdió el mechero, allí a cincuenta kilómetros de Madrid en medio de la montaña."

"Carlos lives where Christ lost his lighter, there fifty kilometers from Madrid in the middle of the mountain."

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(overviewable) • Adjective which means that it allow you to get a good overview at a glance. The closest English translation I ended up finding was "synoptic" but that is very rarely used and not a word most English language learners would understand. The word overzichtelijk is about as ordinary as the word overview in English, but that's not a translation because you need more words to convey the meaning ("allows you to get a good overview" is the translation and "at a glance" the connotation, none of which fit into "overview" if you'd use that word as an adjective). There is also the word "clear" in English, which conveys the meaning that you've got an overview (present tense) but not that the object being talked about has a quality of allowing anyone to quickly attain one. Antonym: onoverzichtelijk, when something is convoluted or perhaps a mess, leading to the inability to easily get a good overview.

"Die oversteek is overzichtelijk, dus ze hebben de fietser zeker niet over het hoofd gezien." "Met de overzichtelijke planner kun je in één oogopslag de planning van je team bekijken en begrijpen." "Wat vind je leuk aan deze kaartstijl?" "Het is heel overzichtelijk. Ik zie moeiteloos hoe de straten zijn ingedeeld.""

"That crossing is overviewable so there is no way they overlooked the cyclist." "The overviewable planner allows you to view and understand your team's schedule at a glance." "What do you like about this map style?" "It's very overviewable. I can effortlessly see how the streets are laid out.""


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(ant fucker) • Nitpicker, one who complains about every insignificant detail. Literally means "ant fucker".

"Die mierenneuker legt op alle slakken zout."

"That ant fucker puts salt on all snails."

French Canada

sirop de poteau

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(telephone pole syrup) • It's a derogatory way of describing commercial syrups which are not true maple syrup.

"Ce restaurant est bien cheap. On sert du sirop de poteau avec leurs crêpes."

"This restaurant is very cheap. They serve telephone pole syrup with their crepes."

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(coal) • Used to comment on someone's poor command of a language.

"Louis heeft echt steenkolen Engels."

"Louis really has coal English"

Dutch Netherlands

één pot nat

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(one pot wet) • It means it's all the same.

"Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, het is allemaal één pot nat"

"Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, it is all one pot wet."

Dutch Netherlands

de mist in

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

To go wrong.

"Daar ga je toch echt de mist in."

"There you are really going into the mist."


Italian Italy

rendere pan per focaccia

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to return bread for focaccia) • To give someone a taste of their own medicine i.e. to treat them as badly as they treated you.

"Il vicino tiene la musica alta perché sei stato maleducato con lui? Ben ti sta, ti ha reso pan per focaccia."

"The neighbor is playing music loudly because you were mean to him? Serves you right, he returned you bread for focaccia."


Finnish Finland


Word USED On Occasion BY Adults and teens

(noun) • (long johns drunkenness) • Getting drunk at home, in a hotel room or other comparable location in your underwear, with no intention of heading out to a bar later on.

"Ois ollu eilen ilalla Huuhkajien voittoparaati torilla, mutten jaksanu lähtee. Vedin kalsari(känni)t."

"There was a victory fest for Huuhkajat at the (Helsinki Market) Square last night, but I couldn't be bothered. Settled for kalsarikännit."


Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED On Occasion BY Some people

It comes from the possibility to call companies customer service in Brazil using the prefix 0800 without being charged for it.

"Vamos à festa na sexta-feira, a entrada vai ser 0800."

"Lets go to the party on Friday, the entrance will be for free."

Confirmed by 5 people


English English speaking countries

a little birdie told me

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some people

This idiom is used playfully not to reveal the source of information about something. Usually, however, the source of the information is obvious. Sometimes rendered as 'A little bird told me'

"How did you know it was my birthday?" "Let's just say a little birdie told me!"

Confirmed by 26 people

Dutch Netherlands

Wat is wijsheid?

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Some people

(What is wisdom?) • Used when you are not sure what the right thing to do is.

"Moet ik de nieuwe baan aannemen, of gewoon bij m'n oude blijven?" "Tsja, wat is wijsheid?"

"Should I take the new job or stay at my current one?" "Well, what is wisdom?"

Confirmed by 4 people