Spanish Argentina


Word USED Very frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • In Argentina we use this word to express something is cool or someone did something cool.

"Hola chabón, ¿todo piola?" "Sí, ¿y vos?"

"Hey dude, everything cool?" "Yeah and you?

Confirmed by 11 people

Spanish Spanish speaking countries


Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Teens

(why/because) • It's short for "por qué", which translates to "why" in English. It's used when texting other teenagers.

"Che, ¿qué haces ahora?" "Nada... ¿xq?"

"Hey friend, what are you doing right now?" "Nothing... why?"

Confirmed by 8 people

French Québec, Canada


Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Teens

Abbreviation for "énervé", which translates to being "annoyed" or "angry". Used in text messages by teenagers and young adults.

"Ouf, ma mère me fatigue aujourd'hui, je suis NRV!"

"Ugh my mom's getting on my nerves today, I'm so annoyed!"

Confirmed by 7 people


Italian Primarily the North, Italy


Word USED Frequently BY Teens

(v.) • (to lemon) • To kiss someone with the tongue (to make out).

"Ho visto Gianni e Davide limonare su una panchina al parco."

"I saw John and David lemoning on a bench in the park."



English United States

to be beat

Slang USED Frequently BY teens

(v.) • To be beat means you're extremely tired that you need to sleep right now.

"Sorry, man, I'm so beat, I'm not going out tonight, I'm going right to bed!"

Confirmed by 10 people



Czech Czechia


Word USED Frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • (dense) • A way of saying "cool" or "heavy".

"To bylo fakt hustý, jak se do něho pustil."

"That was really dense how he had a go at him."

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Argentina


Expression USED In the past BY Teens

(adj.) • (deadly) • Extremely good.

“Ese CD está mortal.”

“That CD is deadly.”

Confirmed by 10 people



Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED Frequently BY Teens

(save) • Way of saying "hello" or "what's up".

"Salve, como você está?"

"Hello, how are you?"

Confirmed by 3 people


Italian Italy


Acronym USED Very frequently BY Teens

Short for "comunque", which translates to "anyways" or "by the way".

"Cmq non mi va di andare al cinema stasera."

"I don't feel like going to the movies tonight btw."

Confirmed by 11 people

Spanish Valle del Cauca, Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(n.) • (turkey) • Word used to denote the group of people with whom you have sexual intercourse.

“Ya quiero que sea fin de semana para verme con mi pavo.”

“I want it to be the weekend to see my turkey.”

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Teens

(n.) • A residual bad feeling that is the result of the love that remains for someone after the end of a relationship.

“Tengo una tusa terrible después de haber cortado con Carlos.“

“I have a bad feeling after having broken up with Carlos.“

Confirmed by 5 people

Spanish Colombia

caerle (a alguien)

Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(fall to someone) • Phrase used to express the actions used to show the desire of starting a romantic relationship with someone.

"Yo le estaba cayendo a Laura, pero ella me dijo que me quería como amigo."

"I was falling to Laura, but she said that she saw me as a friend."

Confirmed by 7 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(n.) • A person you have feelings for. A crush.

"No te voy a decir mi traga es un secreto."

"I won't tell you who my traga is, it is a secret."

Confirmed by 3 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • (salty) • Someone who has bad luck.

"Que man tan salado siempre le pasan cosas malas."

"What a salty man, bad things always happen to him."

Confirmed by 5 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED On Occasion BY Teens

(n.) • A dear friend.

"Ese es mi parcero del alma."

"He is my profound friend."

Confirmed by 9 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED On Occasion BY Teens

(n.) • When something causes you a nuisance.

"Que jartera, no quiero hacer mi tarea."

"What a pain, I don't want to do my homework."

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • (intense) • For when a person is very insistent.

"Que persona tan intensa."

"What an insistent person."

Confirmed by 5 people



Spanish Colombia


Expression USED On Occasion BY Teens

When something is cool or very good.

"Qué paisaje tan bacano." "¡Qué rumba tan bacana!"

"What a great landscape." "What a cool party!"

Confirmed by 6 people


Italian Italy


Expression USED On Occasion BY Teens

(n.) • ((what a) show!) • It's often used by young people when facing something astonishing, amazing, or simply relaxing. It can also be referring to situations of thrilling experiences such as a wonderful sight or a pleasant smell/taste, or when receiving good news. In other words, it can be uttered after experiencing good vibes.

"Domani non lavorerò e potremo stare insieme tutto il giorno." "Spettacolo! Sto già pensando a come organizzare al meglio la giornata."

"I'm not working tomorrow and we could stay together all day." "What a show! I'm already thinking how we should best organize our day."

Confirmed by 11 people


Italian Italy

che mi racconti?

Slang USED Frequently BY Teens

(what do you tell me? ) • It's a sentence used for when you meet someone, after a long period of time, and you ask them what they've been up to.

"Oh bello, che mi racconti?" "Eh insomma, mi ha lasciato da poco la mia ragazza..."

"Hey dude, what's up?" "Well not so good actually, my girlfriend recently broke up with me..."

Confirmed by 12 people