Swedish Sweden


Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(noun) • (the between-days) • The days between Boxing day and New Year's Eve.

"Hinner vi ses någon gång i Mellandagarna?"

"We will have time to see each other sometime in the between-days?"

Hungarian Hungary

kihúzni a gyufát

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to pull the matches out (of the box)) • It's used when someone is being cheeky, to the point where it gets too much or too annoying, and the other person is about to snap.

"Ebben jössz este?" "Ne húzd ki a gyufát, mert itthon hagylak!"

"Are you wearing this for tonight?" "Don't pull the match out, or I'll leave you at home!"

Russian Russia


Slang USED On Occasion BY Everyone

Slang word for "email".

"Я тебе перешлю это видео по мылу."

"I will send you this video via email."

English Australia


Acronym USED Very frequently BY Everyone

AFL is an acronym for Australian Football League, Australia's main competition in the sport of 'Australian football'. It can also be used to refer to the sport itself.

"What AFL team do you support?"

Confirmed by 2 people

Italian Italy

darsi all'ippica

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to take up horse racing) • To change one's profession due to incapacity or unskillfulness in a previous job. This idiom is mostly used in the form of rather direct and dismissive advice/suggestion. Comparable to English "go climb a tree" or "go take up knitting."

"Luigi non è assolutamente in grado di svolgere il suo lavoro. Farebbe meglio a darsi all'ippica."

"Luigi is absolutely unable to do his job. He'd be better off taking up horce racing."

Confirmed by 2 people


Italian Italy

perdersi in un bicchiere d’acqua

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to get lost in a glass of water) • It means to worry or make a big deal of something that is actually a small problem or not a problem at all.

"All'esame orale, mi sono perso in un bicchier d'acqua."

"At the oral exam, I got lost in a glass of water."


Czech Czechia

na zdraví!

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(to your health!) • Said when someone sneezes, also used when proposing a toast and clinking glasses.

*někdo kýchne* "Na zdraví!" "Díky."

*someone sneezes* "To your health!" "Thanks"

French France

un pied-à-terre

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(a foot on the ground) • A small house or apartment in a city you do not live in, and where you stay when visiting that city for a short time

"Vivre à Paris ne m'empêche pas d'aller souvent à Rome, j'y ai un petit pied-à-terre."

"Living in Paris does not prevent me from going to Rome. I have a small pied-à-terre there""

Bulgarian Bulgaria

не дърпай дявола за опашката!

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(do not pull the devil by the tail) • It is used in a situation where someone is saying something dark and the rest tell him to don't push his luck and call for the bad things to happen

"Сигурно ще ни изпитват днес по химия" - "Тихо, не дърпай дявола за опашката!"

"They will most probably examine us in chemistry today" - "Keep quiet, don't pull the devil by the tail"

Portuguese Portuguese speaking countries

deixa de brincadeiras

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

Asking someone to stop joking around.

"Temos de nos despachar, deixa de brincadeiras já!"

"We have to hurry up, stop fooling around!"

Confirmed by 2 people

Portuguese Brazil

estar mais pra lá do que pra cá

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to be more there than here) • Used when someone is close to death.

"A Rainha Elizabeth tem 95 anos!" "Tá mais pra lá do que pra cá"

"Queen Elizabeth is 95 years old!" "She's more there than here"

Confirmed by 3 people

French France

péter plus haut que son cul

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to fart higher than one's arse) • To be conceited.

Les étrangers disent souvent que les Français pètent plus haut que leur cul.

Foreigners often say that French people fart higher than their arse.


Italian Italy

campa cavallo che l'erba cresce

Proverb USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(live, horse, and grass will grow) • Used to say that you waiting for something is like a horse waiting for the grass to grow to eat. It's not happening anytime soon.

"sto aspettando che Giovanni mi risponda al messaggio" "campa cavallo che l'erba cresce"

"I'm waiting for Giovanni to reply to my text" "live, horse, and grass will grow"

Confirmed by 3 people



Arabic Egypt

يتكلم هندي

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to talk in Hindi) • Use this expression for somebody who either speaks unintelligibly or talks nonsense. You can construct a question using this idiom to mock the addressee's inability to understand what you're saying.

"فهمت الدرس؟" "ولا أي كلمة" "!هو أنا بتكلم هندي؟"

"Did you understand the lesson?" "No. Not a single word of it." "Was I speaking Hindi?!"


Greek Greece

Όσα βλέπει η πεθερά

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(What the mother-in-law sees) • When you only clean parts of your house that other people can see. It can also be used in a more abstract way, when you you only do parts of a task so others can see that you're working.

"Τακτοποιούσα το σπίτι για τους καλεσμένους μου μόνο όσα βλέπει η πεθερά, τα άπλυτα τα πέταξα στη ντουλάπα!"

"I was tidying my house for my guests, only what the mother-in-law can see, I threw my dirty laundry in the closet!"

Confirmed by 2 people


Hungarian Hungary

más tészta

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(another pasta) • It is used to say that something or a situation is totally different, mostly when you are talking about something, and someone mentions something similar, that you don't think to be relevant or related.

"Soha ne fogadd el, ha megvesztegetnek!" "De akkor te miért tetted a múltkor?" "Az teljesen más tészta! Akkor le voltam égve." "Új élmény lesz egy irodában dolgozni. Volt már könyvtári munkahelyem korábban, de az más tészta."

"Never accept bribery!" "Then why did you do it last time?" "That was totally different! I was broke then." "It'll be a new experience to work in an office. I've had a job in a library before, but that's totally different."



Italian Italy

acqua in bocca

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(water in the mouth) • To keep quiet. If you have your mouth full of water, you cannot talk!

"Mi raccomando, acqua in bocca!"

"But remember, water in the mouth!"

Confirmed by 3 people

Swedish Sweden

tala om trollen

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(speaking of trolls) • When someone who has just been mentioned enters a room.

"Jag hörde att Liam skaffat en hund." *Liam kommer in i rummet* "När man talar om trollen!"

"I heard Liam has got himself a dog." *Liam walks into the room* "When you're talking about the trolls!"

Confirmed by 3 people

Portuguese Brazil

isso foi a gota d'água

Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

(that was the drop of water) • In Brazilian Portuguese we say "isso foi a gota d'água", which means "this was the drop of water", literally "the drop that was missing for the glass to overflow". It means that an action has exceeded the limit of something that was already saturated.

"Esse atraso no trabalho foi a gota d'água para ele ser despedido."

"This delay in work was the drop of water for him to be fired."

French France

un avion de chasse

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(fighter plane) • Used to describe someone that is very beautiful or attractive.

"Woah, la nouvelle serveuse est un avion de chasse!"

"Wow, the new waitress is a fighter plane!"