

Moroccan Darija Morocco

Haq Sh'har

Reference USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(the right of the month) • Euphemism for menstruation.

"Jaha Haq Sh'har mskina."

"Poor thing, she's on her period."


Arabic Morocco

طلعتلي في راسي

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It's used when someone keeps talking too much, asking too much or when you are being annoyed by someone.

".طلعتلي في راسي"

"You have stood up on my head."

Arabic | Moroccan Darija Morocco


Name USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • In Morocco we use the name Simohamed to call anyone, particularly when we don't know them. For example if you yell "Simohamed!" to a waiter, they will come to you.

"Simohamed! Jibi lia qahua nos nos, 3afek."

"Simohamed! Bring me a coffee with milk, please."