
Italian | Venetian Italy

a seci roversi

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(down in buckets) • It is a phrase used when it's pouring.

"È piovuto ieri notte?" "Sì, a seci roversi!"

"Did it rain last night?" "Yes, it came down in buckets!"


Italian | Venetian Veneto, Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (money) • “Schei” is used in Venetian dialect. When Venice was conquered by the Austrians, the coins that Austrians brought to Venice had written “scheidemünzen” on top. Venetians had no idea how to read German so they pronounced what was written as it sounded right to them. From then on, money is called “schei” in Venice.

"No go schei!"

"I don’t have money!"

Confirmed by 5 people



Italian | Venetian Veneto, Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • It is the word for money used in Veneto.

"No go schei."

"I have no money."

Confirmed by 5 people


Italian | Venetian Veneto, Italy

man de puina

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(cottage-cheese hand) • Exclamation used to slightly insult someone who has dropped something or usually drops things.

"Ti è caduto di nuovo il cellulare? Hai proprio le man de puina!"

"You dropped your phone again? Your hand are like cottage cheese!"



Italian | Venetian Veneto, Italy

Sta slavazando

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

Dialect version of the Italian sentence ''sta diluviando" (it's pouring).

"Forse l'ombrello non è sufficiente: fuori sta slavazando."

"Perhaps the umbrella won't be enough: it's pouring."

Confirmed by 2 people