
Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY people living in 2020

(n.) • (otherhalfmetersociety) • Name for the society where people try to maintain "anderhalve meter" (1.5 meter) distance from each other in public spaces in order to avoid spreading COVID-19.

"In deze anderhalvemetermaatschappij is het sociale leven toch wel erg verandert."

"In this otherhalfmetersociety social life has changed a lot"

Confirmed by 5 people

English United States


Word USED Very frequently BY Some People

(n.) • Word used for people who refuse to wear a mask during the corona crisis.

"Anti-maskers are not welcome in this establishment."

Confirmed by 17 people

Dutch Netherlands

het wel kunnen schudden

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to be able to shake it) • This means you can forget about something.

"We moeten vanavond wel winnen, anders kunnen we het kampioenschap wel schudden."

"We have to win tonight, otherwise we can shake the championship."

Confirmed by 4 people

Dutch Netherlands


Sound USED Very frequently BY cats

The Dutch way of writing the sound made by cats. Can also be used as a verb "miauwen" (to miauw).

"Miauw miauw miauw"

"Why can't you appreciate the dead mouse I brought you?"

Confirmed by 6 people


Dutch Netherlands

hou me op de hoogte

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(keep me on the height) • Expression used when asking someone to keep you informed of any further developments.

"Morgen ga ik een nieuwe woning bekijken" "Spannend, hou me op de hoogte."

"Tomorrow I am going to look at another place to live" "Exciting, keep me on the heights."

Confirmed by 5 people


Italian Italy

dare buca

Expression USED On Occasion BY Teens

(to give hole) • To stand someone up i.e. to not show up for an appointment or date.

"Guarda, sono arrabbiatissima! Come ha potuto darmi buca?!"

"Look, I'm furious! How could he give me hole?!"


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY Young people

(noun) • (little joke) • Used as something between “just kidding” and “nevermind”, when something you just said wasn’t serious or isn’t relevant anymore.

“Heb jij mijn sleutels? Ik kan ze niet vinden. Oh wacht, grapje, ik heb ze al.”

“Do you have my keys? I can’t find them. Oh wait, little joke, I have them right here.”

Confirmed by 5 people

French France


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(adj.) • Tipsy.

"Faites pas attention, je suis pompette."

"Don't mind me, I'm a little bit tipsy."

Spanish Guatemala


Word USED Frequently BY local Guatemalans

(noun) • Commonly refers to non-indigenous Guatemalans as well as those with both Spanish and indigenous ancestry (interchangeable with “mestizos”). The word was thought to be derived from a mix of Latino and ladrón, the Spanish word for “thief” but it is not popularly used as an offensive term.

“La mayoría de la población en centroamérica es ladina.”

“The majority of the population in Central America is of mixed race.”

Spanish Various countries


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(noun) • (casserole ) • Comes from the word “cacerola” meaning "pan". It’s a form of peaceful protest in which protestors create noise by banging together pots and pans. The tradition began in medieval times to shame men who’d marry young girls. It was then taken on by French revolutionaries, and now protestors in Latin America.

“El descontento de la gente ha provocado cacerolazos en Argentina.”

“The people’s discontent has led to the banging on pots and pans in Argentina.”

Spanish Guatemala


Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(Waters! ) • A warning for when danger is approaching.

“¡Aguas! ¡Las rocas están cayendo!”

“Waters! The rocks are falling!”

Spanish Guatemala


Slang USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(adj.) • Describing something that is cool or exceeds one's expectations

“¡Esa artista es tan calidá!”

“This artist is so cool!”



French France

bec et ongles

Expression USED In the past BY Novel authors

(beak and nails) • It's used to describe a fierce behaviour, specifically when defending someone's belongings or loved ones, like a mother bird would do for her younglings.

"La vieille dame se fit houspiller de part et d'autre au milieu de la foule pour ses propos. Elle se défendit bec et ongles et avait un contre-argument pour chacun des hurlements qui lui étaient proférés."

"The old lady was being harassed from all sides in the middle of the crowd for what she said. She defended tooth and nail and had a counter-argument for anything one yelled at her."


Romanian Moldova


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (president) • Word mispronounced initially by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon. It is used in countless memes related to Moldovan politics.

"Prișîdintele explică de unde a venit COVID-19."

"The president explains where COVID-19 came from."

Confirmed by 4 people


Russian Russia


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(pronoun) • (I/WE) • Initially used in 2019 to condemn the unfair detention of a correspondent of the newspaper "Meduza", Ivan Golunov. It became a symbol of solidarity and a meme.

"Я/МЫ - это вся страна."

"I/We are the whole country."

Confirmed by 3 people

Russian Various countries


Hashtag USED Frequently BY Everyone

(#FreeHachaturyanSisters) • A hashtag created to support the Hachaturyan sisters, who are at risk of imprisonment after the planned murder of their own father. For a long time, the Hachaturyan sisters were subjected to domestic violence and coercion into sexual acts by their father.

"Нет оправдания насилию в семье! #свободусестрамхачатурян"

"There is no excuse for domestic violence! #FreeHachaturyanSisters"

Confirmed by 3 people

Romanian Moldova


Hashtag USED Frequently BY Everyone

(#It'sCoolToBeEco) • A hashtag created by the famous Moldovan journalist Lilu Ojovan to raise awareness of the ecological problem and the advantages of eco life.

"Schimbarea se va produce atunci când toți vor înțelege că #ecoolsăfiieco."

"The change will come when everyone understands that #It'sCoolToBeEco."

Confirmed by 3 people




Russian Various countries


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It reflects the highest degree of laughter. Equivalent to the English 'LOL' and 'kek'.

"Классный анекдот, я просто ору."

"Cool joke, LOL."

Confirmed by 4 people



Spanish Spanish speaking countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Spanish sound for laughter. It is a direct analog of the English "ha ha ha".

"¡Jajaja! ¡Qué vídeo tan divertido!"

"Ha ha ha! What a funny video!"

Confirmed by 16 people




Russian Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Russian sound for sarcastic laughter.

"Этим ребятам не везется сегодня. Гыгыгыгыгы"

"These guys are not lucky today. Ha ha ha"

Confirmed by 3 people