
Spanish | Gaditano Cadiz, Spain


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everybody

There is two ways to explain "Bastinazo", one definition will be the standard one and most commonly used for people out of Cadiz (Andalucia): When you want to define something huge or big. It also applies to situations that occur out of the commonplace. Something unusual. The second way it would be more commonly used as a joke, but it defines very well the context of the Cadiz humor: First you hold the penis with one hand, then with the other hand you hold it as well and the rest of the penis that you can't hold, that is a "bastinazo". *In some areas out of Cadiz, people use it also replacing the letter "z" by "s", keeping the same meaning but writing it as "Bastinaso".

"Mi madre se ha comprado una bicicleta de 4 metros de largo que le ha costado 20.000 euros." "En serio? Que bastinazo!"

"My mother has bought a 4-meter-long bicycle that cost her 20,000 euros." "Really? What a bastinazo!"

Catalan Spain

Déu n'hi do

Interjection USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(God gives it) • A Jack-of-all-trades to express admiration, surprise or importance, usually in situations where one wants to stress something happened above average, or one perceived it as such.

"Déu n'hi do com va ploure ahir" "Tens gana? Déu n'hi do!" "Déu n'hi do la cua que hi ha per comprar el nou Iphone"

"God gives it it rained yesterday" "Are you hungry? God gives it!" "God gives it there is a queue to buy the new iPhone"

Valencià Spain

com cagalló per séquia

Expression USED On Occasion BY popular use

(to go like a turd down the ditch) • This very visual expression is said of someone who goes aimlessly and acts without their own will.

"Anem com cagalló per sèquia: a ell l’acaben d’operar, en José Mari beu més que mai i no tenim ni un duro. "

"We're going like a turd down the ditch: he's just had surgery, José Mari is drinking more than ever, and we don't have a penny."

Spanish Spain

donde cristo perdio el mechero

Idiom USED On Occasion BY some people

It means something very very far in a very remote and hard to determine place.

"Carlos vive donde Cristo perdió el mechero, allí a cincuenta kilómetros de Madrid en medio de la montaña."

"Carlos lives where Christ lost his lighter, there fifty kilometers from Madrid in the middle of the mountain."

Spanish Madrid, Spain


Slang USED Frequently BY Young People

(mallet) • This word is used to mean very, many or a lot.

"No sé, por estas mismas páginas hace años había mazo de gente convencida de que un apocalipsis zombi era un escenario tanto plausible como deseable."

"I don't know, years ago, in these websites there were mallet of people convinced that a zombie apocalypse was both a feasible and desirable scenario."

Spanish Spain


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • When something amazes you; to flip out about something.

"Oye, tío. Acabo de hallar cien pavos en la calle." "¡Hala! Me flipo."

"Hey, man. I just found a hundred bucks in the street." "No way! I'm flipping out."

Spanish Spain

¡qué mala leche!

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Young People

(what bad milk) • This is used to convey the feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that one experiences at someone else’s misfortune. Used to gloat and mock.

“¿No has ganado el vídeojuego? ¡Qué mala leche!”

“You didn't win the game? What bad milk!”

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Spain

de Guatemala a guatepeor

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

Equivalent of the English “from bad to worse”.

“Este día fue de Guatemala a guatepeor.”

"This day went from Guatemala to guateworse."

Confirmed by 4 people

Spanish | Huelva Andalucia, Spain


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(noun) • A derogatory term for someone who is not considered important. Also, someone who can't be trusted because they change their mind very frequently.

"Este es un chipichanga, no sirve para nada!" "Este es un chipichanga, no puedes fiarte de el."

"He's such a chipichanga, he's just so useless!" "He's such a chipichanga, you can't trust him."

Spanish Spain

plantar un pino

Slang USED Frequently BY Most People

(to plant a pine ) • It's a very colloquial way to say that you're going to the bathroom to poop.

"Voy a plantar un pino, puede que tarde un poco en salir de casa."

"I'm going to plant a pine - I may take a while to leave my house."

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Spain

llamar a Juan/a Braulio

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to call Juan/Braulio) • To vomit.

"No se encuentra bien, se ha ido a llamar a Braulio."

"He doesn't feel alright, he went to call Braulio."

Spanish Madrid, Spain

Pues espera sentado y llévate un bocadillo

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(Sit waiting and pack a sandwich) • It's often used when wanting to say "don't wait around" or "you'll be waiting a while."

"Llamé al director del hotel, pero no respondió." "Pues espera sentado y llévate un bocadillo!"

"I called the hotel manager, but he didn't pick up." "Better sit down and pack a sandwich."

Spanish Spain

estar hasta las narices

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to be up the nose) • It refers to when you are fed up or sick to death of something.

“Estoy hasta las narices de este trabajo.”

“I’m up the nose with this job.”

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Andalusia, Spain

cagarse en todo lo que se menea

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to shit on everything that wiggles) • An expression of frustration.

"He perdido el tren, ¡me cago en todo lo que se menea!"

"I missed the train, I'm shitting on everything that wiggles!"

Confirmed by 3 people

Catalan Spain

filar prim

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to spin thin) • To think out of the box considering all the details or to overthink.

"La pregunta és senzilla, no cal filar prim."

"The question is simple, don't think out of the box."


Catalan | Catalunya Spain

estem arreglats

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(we are well dressed) • Expression used when you are on a trouble.

"Ens hem oblidat el passaport a casa i el vol surt en una hora, estem arreglades"

"We forgot the passport at home and our plane departs in one hour, we are well-dressed."

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Spain

estar más perdidx que un pulpo en un garaje

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to be more lost than an octopus in a garage) • To be lost. To not have a clue.

"No estudió nada. Durante el examen estaba más perdido que un pulpo en un garaje."

"He didn't study at all. He was lost more than an octopus in a garage during the exam."

Spanish Spain


Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(french fry) • Someone dumb, foolish or of little intelligent.

"Fastidió la fiesta sorpresa, se lo contó todo a la cumpleañera. Menudo papafrita".

"He screwed up the surprise party, he told everything to the birthday girl. What a french fry."

Spanish Andalusia, Spain


Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

A slice, usually of fruit.

"Tengo hambre, ¿me das una tajá de melón?"

"I'm hungry, can you give me a slice of melon?"

Spanish Spain


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (on the table) • Time spent sitting at the table after lunch chatting or watching TV (usually drinking coffee).

"Entresemana no tengo tiempo, como y voy a trabajar. Por eso, los domingos disfruto de las sobremesas con la familia."

"I have no time on week days I eat, and I go to work. For this reason, on Sundays I enjoy on the table with the family."