Idiom USED Frequently BY Young People
(v.) • (to throw a sabre) • To vomit.
"Prišiel som z párty až nad ránom a bolo mi tak zle, že som okamžite musel hodiť šabľu."
"I came back from party early in the morning and I felt so bad so I had to throw a sabre immediately."
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(it's as long as the week before the payout) • Used when reffering to something that takes too much time, such as movie, journey etc.
"Cesta z Bratislavy do Košíc je dlhá ako týždeň do výplaty!"
"The roadtrip from Bratislava to Košice is as long as the week before the payout!"
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek
East Slovakia,
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(n.) • Means 'money', most likely originates from gypsy language.
"Máš nejaké lóve?"
"Do you have any money?"
Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Everyone
(a lot of luck) • Used in a situation when one wishes good luck to someone or in the song "Happy Birthday".
"Veľa šťastia na skúške!"
"A lot of luck on the exam!"