Interjection USED On Occasion BY Some People
Exclamation expressing dismay or surprise.
"Jøss! Er det virkelig deg?"
'Wow! Is it really you?'
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Most People
(To cut everyone with the same comb) • To judge, evalue or treat all people in a group the same way without taking any (individual) differences into account.
"Svensker er ubrukelige til å gå på ski." "Nå må du ikke skjære alle over én kam."
"Swedes are useless at skiing." "You shouldn't cut everyone with the same comb."
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Most People
(said the bride) • The Norwegian equivalent of "that's what she said".
"Jøss, den var større enn jeg trodde." "Sa brura!"
"Wow, it's bigger than I thought." "Said the bride!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(wet like a cat) • Being soaking wet.
"Han kom inn våt som ei katte."
"He came in wet like a cat."
Submitted August 2020 by stinekristin
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(adj.) • ((completely) king) • Great, very good, the best of the best.
"Han er helt konge på gitar!"
"He's completely king at playing the guitar!"
Word USED On Occasion BY Young People
(adjective) • Something stupid, sad, boring, unpleasant, or petty. Can be used for objects, situations, or people.
"Jeg synes de var kjipe som ikke inviterte oss på festen." "Ja, det er kjipt å sitte her hjemme alene."
"I think it was petty of them not to invite us to the party." "Yes, it's boring sitting at home alone."
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(adj.) • (outside-pilsner) • A beer (often pilsner) that one drinks outside; often in an establishment that serves beer, but could also be on someone's porch, on a boat, or another public place as long as it is outside. The 'first' utepils is sometimes a highlight for many Norwegians, as it represents the transition from winter into summer when one can finally sit outside in the sun and drink beer again after a long, cold winter.
"Det blir deilig å snart kunne ta den første utepilsen."
"It'll be great to get to have the first outside-pilsner."
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(n.) • (morning bread) • Expression meaning waking up with an erection.
"Han våknet opp på sofaen med morrabrød."
"He woke up on the sofa with a morning bread."
Word USED Frequently BY Everyone
(verb) • Not wanting to bother with something, either because of laziness or because it's uninteresting or boring to do. If asked to 'gidde' to do something, the speaker often asks if the listener would care to do something, even if the activity might be boring.
"Gidder du å ta ut av oppvaskmaskinen?" "Nei, det gidder jeg ikke."
"Would you care to empty the dishwasher?" "No, I don't care to do that."
Slang USED Frequently BY Teens
(interj.) • Short for 'altså', meaning 'so', 'accordingly', 'that is', 'therefore', or 'thus'. Often used as an interjection at the end of sentences.
"Jeg elsker denne serien, ass!"
"'I love this series, really!"
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • (fire soul) • Someone filled with a burning enthusiasm or passion for something. Usually connected to a charity or society where this person makes a great selfless effort.
"Hun har vært en ildsjel i mange år og har ingen planer om å gi seg."
"She has been a fire soul for many years, and has no plans to give up."
Word USED Frequently BY Everyone
(adj.) • It can refer to something cozy, comfortable, pleasant, nice and warm, or to a person who is nice, kind and careful to others.
"Du har en koselig hytte!"
"You have a koselig cabin!"
Word USED On Occasion BY Anyone
(n.) • The currency of Norway is Kroner, and kronerulling is when people pitch in loose change and coins to buy something. Usually for someone else.
"Har du ikke nok til neste øl? Da tar vi en kronerulling, folkens!"
"You don't have enough money for the next beer? All right, lets do a crown rolling, people!"
Idiom USED On Occasion BY People Over 40
(not my table (to clean)) • Either to explain that 1) you're not interested in something or 2) to forego a responsibility, usually the latter.
1) ''Noen liker fotball men det er ikke mitt bord.'' 2) ''Andrea fikk ikke saus til middagen men det er ikke mitt bord.''
1) ''Some people like soccer but that's not my table.'' 2) ''Andrea didn't get sauce for her dinner but that's not my table.''
Submitted August 2020 by ingridpus