Spanish Puerto Rico


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Money.

"Necesito chavos pa' comprar ese anillo."

"I need money to buy that ring."

Confirmed by 7 people

Spanish Spain


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • When something amazes you; to flip out about something.

"Oye, tío. Acabo de hallar cien pavos en la calle." "¡Hala! Me flipo."

"Hey, man. I just found a hundred bucks in the street." "No way! I'm flipping out."

Danish Denmark


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adverb) • An all-encompassing word used when someone did something wrong. "Don't worry about it, you've been forgiven, I'm not mad and it's such a small detail that we don't need to talk about it again"

"Undskyld mor, jeg ødelagde vasen ved et uheld." "Pyt!"

"Sorry mum, I accidentally broke the vase." "Pyt!"

Confirmed by 8 people

West Frisian Friesland, Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(noun) • (babysip) • It's when you go to visit a newborn.

"Wy geane op poppeslok by Amarens en Bouwe."

"We are going to visit Amarens and Bouwe to babysip."

Confirmed by 7 people

Dutch Netherlands

koffie verkeerd

Name USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(wrong coffee) • Wrong coffee is a Dutch drink consisting of half milk and half coffee.

"Ik drink graag koffie verkeerd"

"I like to drink wrong coffee"

Vietnamese Vietnam


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It means throw, disperse, or bestrew. Its meaning is sometimes unpolite, and colloquial in informal languages. These days young people/teenagers use this slang word a lot to show an exclamation or express the feeling of shocking, or unbelievable.

"Trời hôm nay nóng vãi" "Cô gái kia xinh vãi"

"The weather is too hot today" "That girl is so beautiful"

Vietnamese Vietnam

củ chuối

Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

(tubers of plantain) • The Literal translation is the part of a banana tree that grows under the soil and where the root, trunk, and leaves grow from, but used in slang to mean silly, idle, stunned, very boring, hard, or difficult.

"Tôi đang xem một bộ phim củ chuối lắm" "Bài toán này rất củ chuối"

"I am watching a very silly film." "This math lesson is so/very hard."


Kazakh Kazakhstan


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(my soul) • Zhanym is a word used to address your loved ones. The literal translation of the word to English is “my soul”. Kazakh people use this word to address their significant others (very frequently), friends, siblings, and children.

"Менің жаным үйге келді."

"My soul came back home."

Polish Poland


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • A quiet or inaudible fart, usually very smelly.

"Kto puścił cichacza?"

"Who let out a silent fart?"

Italian Italy

Che pizza!

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(What a pizza) • It means “what a bore“ and can describe something or even someone.

“Che pizza questo concerto”

“What a pizza this concert”

Slovak Slovakia

pod papučou

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(under the slipper) • A married person who is under total control of his/her wife/husband.

"Ten chlap je pod papučou, žena ho nepustí ani do krčmy."

"That man is under the slipper, his wife won't let him go even to the pub."

French France

avoir la gueule de bois

Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(to have a wooden mouth) • To have a hangover or to feel hungover after a heavy night of drinking alcohol.

"J'ai une affreuse gueule de bois."

"I have an awful wooden mouth."

French France


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(noun) • When you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings either purposely, for a change of scenery on a holiday or because you feel homesick.

"Pour un vrai dépaysement, allez passer une semaine à Bali!"

"For a real change of scenery, go and spend a week in Bali!"

Confirmed by 2 people


French France


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(adj.) • When you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings either purposely, for a change of scenery on a holiday or because you feel homesick.

"Pour un vrai dépaysement, allez passer une semaine à Bali!"

"For a real dépaysement, go and spend a week in Bali!"

Venetian Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • The smell of badly washed crockery, which where used to contain fish, eggs or dairy products; The smell of wet dog; The smell of stale water.

"El bicer el sa da freschin."

"The glass smells like bad."


Georgian Georgia


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(was fed to me/ was eaten by me) • This expression is used when you had no intention of eating all of something, but you end up doing so. This one word encapsulates a myriad of ideas.

"სად არის ნამცხვარი დედამ რომ იყიდა?" "უი, ეგ სულ შემომეჭამა."

"Where is the cake that mom bought?" "Oops, I accidentally ate all of it."

Italian Neapolitan and other southern dialects, Italy


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • It defines a state of melancholic nostalgia towards something that is currently missing in your life and won't be likely recovered. Usually, it accompanies people relocating to a new place far away from home, but it can also be extended to more general reflections about life and our existential condition.

"Ajere m'agge curcato, penzanne a la vita mije ultimamente e quille che ce vole pe te fa l'abbetudene de vive all'estere: tanne, l'appocundria m'è scuppiate mbiette!"

"Yesterday I was lying in bed thinking about my latest life events and what it takes to adapt to a new life abroad: that's when appocundria started to kick in!"


Russian Russia

голодная как собака

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(hungry like a dog) • When you're really REALLY hungry.

"Ты хочешь есть?" "Да, я голодная как собака!"

"Do you want to eat?" "Yes, I'm as hungry as a dog!"

Spanish Colombia

ponte las pilas

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(put on your batteries) • It means that you need to get your head out of your ass, or focus on the task at hand.

"Ey papi, ponte las pilas!"

"Hey man, put on your batteries!"

Georgian Georgia


Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

A special way of saying "I ate this" without taking any blame or responsibility of that action. Food is object and you (who ate it) are subject for this verb. It's like, here is food and suddenly there is not and you have no idea how it happened. It just made you it itself somehow.

"ის შემწვარი ქათამი რა იქნა?" "უი, ბარკალს მოვაჭრი მეთქი და მთლიანად არ შემომეჭამა..."

"Where did that fried chicken go?" "Oh, I was going to eat a leg and suddenly it's all gone..."