Dobrogea (especially in Constanța),
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
It means "dude".
"Ce mai faci, şaule?"
"What's up, dude?"
Submitted July 2021 by anonymous
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Not so common among young people anymore
(to drop the pacifier) • To be surprised or confused by something.
"Jeg tabte sutten da han sagde op midt under mødet."
"I dropped the pacifier when he quit in the middle of the meeting."
Submitted May 2021 by anonymous
Slang USED On Occasion BY Young People
Bussin describes “this is hitting the spot” type of feeling
"This meal is bussin"
"Describes something really good, usually related to food"
Submitted May 2021 by anacaipires
Slang USED On Occasion BY Young people
Very unfamiliar and childish way to say hello. When you want to say hi to your friends in a cute way, comes from “coucou” which means something like "hey".
Submitted May 2021 by anonymous
Serbian speaking countries
Expression USED Frequently BY Older as well as young people
(drunk as a Mother) • It's often used to describe a very drunk or intoxicated person who can't even stand or walk properly. It was made a long time ago when pregnant women used to drink alcohol to ease their pain when giving birth.
"Došao je sinoć kući pijan kao majka. Nije mogao na nogama da stoji."
"He came home last night drunk as a Mother. He couldn't stand on his own feet."
Submitted May 2021 by anonymous
Name USED On Occasion BY Young People
A nickname for someone (typically a male) you either do or don’t know. Endearing, but can also be sarcastic in a confrontational setting. Can be used instead of bro, man, or chief.
“Hey bossman, you need another beer?” “Nah, I’m chillin’.”
“Excuse me, would you like another beer?” “No, I have had enough for now but thanks for asking.”
Submitted May 2021 by anonymous
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(pussy) • It's a derogatory way of talking about a paramilitary
"Uribe es un paraco cuca"
"Uribe is a cuca paramilitary"
Submitted May 2021 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY Young People
It literally means in the house of the dick. But what people really want to say with it is that it's somewhere far away.
"Tu vai pra festa de Paulinha?" "Vou nada, ela mora lá na casa do carai!"
"Are you going to Paulinha's party?" "Definitely not, she lives in the dick's house!"
Submitted April 2021 by anonymous
| Regional Italian
Northern Italy,
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(n.) • It means "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". It is mainly used in the northern regions of Italy, like Veneto or Friuli.
"Ad ogni pranzo la nonna mi chiede se ho trovato la morosa"
"At every lunch (my) grandmother asks me if I've found a girlfriend yet"
Submitted April 2021 by anonymous
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(From Taubaté) • Used to refer to something that is a lie or fake. The slang came up with the story of the fake pregnant woman in the city of Taubaté (São Paulo), who in 2012 deceived the Brazilian media by saying she was pregnant with quadruplets.
"Eu sou loiro" "Sim, loiro de Taubaté"
"I am blonde" "Yes, blonde from Taubaté"
Submitted March 2021 by analis
Neologism USED On Rare Occasion BY Young People
(cry-laugh) • The act of laugh about a tragicomic situation or cry and laugh at the same time.
"Eu comecei a chorir porque escorreguei em frente a todos os meus colegas de trabalho."
"I start to cry and laugh because I slipped in front of all my co-workers."
Submitted February 2021 by anonymous
Slang USED On Occasion BY Young People
(stone rich) • It means super rich, extremely wealthy.
"Az új pasija egy kőgazdag csávó."
"Her new boyfriend is a stone rich guy."
Submitted February 2021 by janka
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(from Taubaté) • Something "from Taubaté" is something fake. The expression became popular after a woman, who became famous for being pregnant with quadruplets and giving lots of interviews to famous TV hosts asking for donations, was discovered to be a fraud. She wore a fake pregnant belly, and not even her husband knew that it was a lie.
A Denise nem chegou a se formar, o diploma dela é de Taubaté.
Denise didn't even graduate, her diploma is from Taubaté.
Submitted February 2021 by cicilka
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Young people who menstruate
(strawberry week) • To have one’s ‘strawberry week’ means that one is currently menstruating.
“Ich möchte heute nicht mitkommen, mir geht’s heute nicht so gut.” “Oh, was ist los?” “Erdbeerwoche.”
“I don’t want to come with today, I’m not feeling well.” “Oh, what’s up?” “Strawberry week.”
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Young People
(my steak drips) • Used to say that you or someone else is menstruating.
"¡Hola! ¿Quieres salir esta noche?" "No puedo, me chorrea el bife"
"Hi! Do you want to go out tonight?" "I can't, my steak drips"
Word USED Frequently BY Young People
(noun) • Describing the thing that you cannot remember its proper name. Some people say that the people who use "oné", haven't got a huge vocabulary knowledge. "Oné" is basically a placeholder word.
"Podaj mi to oné... pero."
"Give me that thing... the pen"
Submitted January 2021 by adamburianek
| Indian English
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(n.) • It refers to the "plan" or "events", most commonly used in the context of a night out and/or plans with friends. However, it can be used more freely to just talk about any social situation or circumstances, especially to denote a situation gone wrong.
"bro what's the scene for the party tonight, your place or Jennifer's?"
Submitted January 2021 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(is the pope Catholic?) • Used as an answer to a question to which the answer is very obviously yes, and everyone knows it.
"Does it snow in the mountains?" "Is the pope Catholic?!"
"Pada li u planinama snijeg?" "Je l' papa katolik?!"
Submitted January 2021 by anonymous
Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People
A synonym for money.
"Eh güey, vamos por algo de comer." "Lo siento, no traigo nada de feria."
"Hey man, let's go grab something to eat." "Sorry, I don't have any money."
Submitted January 2021 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY Young People
(Pee a little too ) • Expression used ironically as a response to someone who pretends to be badass/claims to have done lots of "cool" stuff.
"Έχω κάνει σεξ με 50 διαφορετικά άτομα φέτος." "Καλά φίλε μη γαμάς μόνο, κατούρα και λίγο"
"I've had sex with 50 different people this year." "Okay dude don't just fu*k, pee a little too."
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous