Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (stab) • When something is too expensive.

"The video game price is a stab"

"O preço do vídeo game tá uma facada"

Confirmed by 2 people


Portuguese Portugal

cu de Judas

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(Juda's ass ) • A remote place, far away, in the end of the world.

“Mas onde fica? Nem imaginas, no cu de Judas.”

“But where is it? You cannot imagine, in Judas’s ass.”

Confirmed by 4 people


Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

In the Brazilian penal code, the article 171 refers to larceny/fraud crime. So the term "um-sete-um" became popular to designate charlatans, deceivers, and impostors.

"Eu não acredito no que ele está falando. Esse cara é 171!"

"I don't believe what he's saying. This guy is 171!"

Portuguese Brazil

enfiar o pé na jaca

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(to stick your foot in the jackfruit) • It's used in moments when someone drinks too much alcohol or eats too much junk food. Generally used when someone goes beyond their limits.

"Depois de uma semana de dieta, ele acabou enfiando o pé na jaca no sábado"

"After a week on a diet, he ended up sticking his foot in the jackfruit on Saturday"

Confirmed by 3 people

Portuguese Brazil

dor de cotovelo

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(pain in the elbow) • To suffer from love; to be heartbroken

"Ela está com dor de cotovelo porque o namorado fugiu com outra."

"She has pain in the elbow because her boyfriend ran away with another girl."

Portuguese Minas Gerais, Brazil


Slang USED Frequently BY Some People

(train) • Literally means "train", but is used as "thing", "stuff"

"Ê trem bom!"

"What a nice train!"

Confirmed by 3 people

Portuguese Brazil

de Taubaté

Reference USED Frequently BY Young people

(from Taubaté) • Taubaté is a Brazilian town, famous for being home to the Grávida de Taubaté (Pregnant Woman from Taubaté) who made it to mainstream media saying that she was pregnant with quadruplets. After receiving multiple donations, it was discovered that it was a fake pregnancy. From then on, we say that something is from Taubaté when it is fake.

"Eu admiro muito a fulana, ela é uma ótima advogada." "Você sabe que o diploma dela é de Taubaté, né?"

"I admire karen a lot, she is an excellent lawyer." "You know that her diploma is from Taubaté, right?

Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

Describes makeshift repairs made with only the tools and materials at hand. Improvisation.

"O carro quebrou, mas eu fiz uma gambiarra e ele funcionou."

"The car broke, but I made a gambiarra and it worked."

Portuguese Brazil

o que é que tem a ver o cu com as calças?

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(what does the asshole has to do with the pants?) • Used when you think someone is talking about two things that are not related to one another.

Vou casar amanhã, preciso comprar uma bicicleta amarela! Que que tem a ver o cu com as calças?

I am getting married tomorrow, I need to buy a yellow bike! What does the asshole has to do with the pants?

Portuguese Brazil

tá na Disney?

Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People

(are you at Disney?) • A way of telling someone they are out of their minds, being too crazy, too naive or saying something that makes no sense.

"Eu acho que a Maria gosta de mim!" "Tá na Disney, cara? Ela nem sabe que você existe!"

"I think Maria likes me!" "Are you at Disney, man? She doesn't even know you exist!"

Portuguese Brazil

senta lá, Cláudia!

Reference USED On Occasion BY Some People

(sit there, Claudia!) • This phrase comes from a video from the 80's or 90's that has resurfaced as a meme on the internet. A famous Brazilian child TV presenter called Xuxa sort of dismissed a girl telling her to "go sit there", and now people use it when they want to do the same to someone, or when you want to imply that something will never happen with a great dose of irony. Used when you want to tell someone to shut up, or when you don't believe in what they're saying, like a "yeah, right".

"A gente devia sair juntos um dia desses!" "Aham, senta lá, Cláudia!"

"We should go out on a date sometime!" "Aham, sit there, Claudia"

Portuguese Brazil

cavalo dado não se olha os dentes

Proverb USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(you don't look at the teeth of a given horse) • It's used when you get something for free or as a gift; it means that since it was given to you, you shouldn't complain about it, even if you don't really like it.

"Eu não gosto muito dessa camiseta que ele me deu, mas cavalo dado não se olha os dentes."

"I don't really like this T-shirt he gave me, but you don't look at the teeth of a given horse."


Portuguese Brazil


Word USED Frequently BY Young People

(noun) • Rolê is used to talk about the plans and the places you go to have fun with your friends, or simply describe the act of going out somewhere. It can also be used to say that something will be difficult to achieve, and you feel kinda lazy about doing it.

"E ai povo, qual o rolê de sexta feira?" "Que rolê pra chegar na sua casa, hein? É muito longe!"

"What's up guys, what's Friday's rolê?" "What a rolê it is to get to your house, huh? It's too far away!"


Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED Frequently BY Young People

(Meowed) • Miado is actually the way Brazilians describe the sound made by cats, which would be the English "meow". In this context, however, it is used when something is lame like a party that is actually not very nice. It can also be used when your friends cancel the plans they made with you.

"Que festa miada, cara! Vamos embora!" "A gente ia pro bar mais tarde, mas meus amigos miaram o rolê."

"What a meowed party, man! Let's get out of here!" "We were going to the bar later, but my friends meowed it."

Portuguese Brazil

burro como uma porta

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(dumb like a door) • It's an expression you use to emphasize how stupid someone is.

"O Marcelo é mesmo burro como uma porta!"

"Marcelo really is dumb like a door!"

Portuguese Brazil

crime ocorre nada acontece feijoada

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

Used when something unfair happens in brazil and nobody cares or justice fails. It's an old meme.

"That corrupt politician was elected again!" "Crime occurs nothing happens feijoada"

"Aquele político corrupto se elegeu de novo" "Crime ocorre nada acontece feijoada"


Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED In the past BY Older Generations

Irresistible personal attraction or seduction.

-"Aquele rapaz tem borogodó."

-"That boy has borogodó."

Portuguese Brazil


Word USED Frequently BY Young People

(noun, adjective) • A strong hit or blow, a big amount of money, or crazy or wild or mad behavior.

"Essa mina tá bolada." "Eu ganhei uma bolada de dinheiro na loteria." "Ele levou uma bolada na cara."

"that girl is mad." "I won a large sum of money in the lottery." "He got hit by a ball in the face."

Portuguese Portugal


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (turnip) • Used for someone who's clumsy or can't do anything.

"Ele é um nabo."

"He's a turnip."

Confirmed by 2 people

Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED Frequently BY People from Rio de Janeiro's rough areas

(Still or Yet) • It's a slang word used when you want to confirm or agree with something.

-"Fofura é o melhor biscoito do Brasil." -"Ainda!"

-"Fofura is the best snack in Brazil." -"Ainda!"