Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
An Australian way of saying "we're not here to do nothing".
"Should we start the meeting?" "Well, we’re not here to fuck spiders, are we?"
We're gonna need a bigger boat
Reference USED Rarely BY Some people
Reference to the 1975 shark movie Jaws. Is used when current resources aren't enough to handle the situation that is about to come.
"I heard more than 100 people are coming to the party tonight" "Damn, we're gonna need a bigger boat"
Word USED Frequently BY Some people
(verb) • Used for the verb "to work" in the Lunfardo, which is an argot originated and developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the lower classes in Buenos Aires and from there spread to other cities nearby, such as the surrounding area Greater Buenos Aires, Rosario and Montevideo.
"Mañana tengo que laburar."
"Tomorrow I have to work."
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(east west, home best) • A way of saying there is no place like home.
"Vakantie is leuk, het is ook wel fijn als het weer voorbij is. Oost west, thuis best."
"Vacation is fun, but it's also nice when it's over. East west, home best."
Submitted December 2023 by amarens
English speaking countries
Word USED On Occasion BY some people
Dialectal term in many areas for plural "you". It has a similar meaning to the word "y'all" or the 'formal you" found in many European languages.
"Do youse want any chips?"
Submitted December 2023 by lucia871
like turkeys voting for Christmas
Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY some people
If someone supports an action that will harm them, this action is said to be "like turkeys voting for Christmas." This phrase is often used with reference to politicians or political decisions.
"If we accept this proposal, it would be like turkeys voting for Christmas."
Submitted December 2023 by lucia871
Australia; South Africa
Word USED Very frequently BY some people
Short form of the word avocado
"The avo on toast here is too expensive, but the hot breakfasts are nice."
Submitted December 2023 by lucia871
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
Usually used in a defensive tone, it means that someone doesn't care because it's of no consequence to them personally.
“You can eat all the ice cream, no skin off my nose, I don’t even like it”
Submitted December 2023 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY some people
(noun) • (meat inspection) • A way to describe something that reduces women to their physical appearance.
"Zo'n missverkiezing blijft toch gewoon een vleeskeuring."
"A Miss competition is basically a meat inspection."
Submitted November 2023 by amarens
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(to be at the end of your latin) • To be completely exhausted, done, desperate.
"Ik was volledig aan het eind van mijn Latijn. Lichamelijk en geestelijk was ik op, tot op een punt dat ik de zin van het leven niet meer zag."
"I was completely at the end of my latin. Physically and mentally I was exhausted, to a point where I no longer saw the meaning of life."
Submitted November 2023 by amarens
Idiom USED on occasion BY some people
(hit of a lightning ) • The feeling of love that comes from the first time you met someone.
"Ho incontrato una ragazza in metro, penso di aver avuto un colpo di fulmine, non smetto di pensarla!"
"I met some girl while on the subway and I think I got a hit of a lightning, I can't stop thinking about her!"
Submitted November 2023 by rayray
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
Used to indicate a situation is difficult, someone is struggling, not having a good time or not doing well. Usually used in a phrase such as "riding the struggle bus", "driving the struggle bus", or "on the struggle bus".
"Class today was a real struggle bus."
Submitted November 2023 by amarens
Word USED On Occasion BY Some People
(adjective) • Used to describe the unpleasant weather when it is cold and windy outside. Sometimes it also includes rain.
"Het is echt weer guur weer buiten."
"The weather outside is really guur."
Submitted November 2023 by amarens
Word USED Sometimes BY Some People
(noun) • A phrase that is simple yet contains a truth or piece of wisdom that is printed on traditional wall tiles. These tiles are often white with text and additional imagery in Delft blue, a shade of blue often used in traditional Dutch products.
"Tel wat je hebt, niet wat je mist" "Zo, dat is een mooie tegeltjeswijsheid"
"Count what you have, not what you are missing" "That's a great tile wisdom"
Submitted October 2023 by amarens
English speaking countries
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
To marry or become romantically involved with a much younger person, especially one from a younger generation or to use a young person for a purpose inappropriate to their age.
“He sure robbed the cradle with his last wife”
Submitted September 2023 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(to give the runaround) • It means to court someone.
"Tu hermano me está echando los perros."
"Your brother is giving me the runaround."
Submitted September 2023 by llermaly
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(to have a shrimp) • It's the little dream we sneak in from time to time during work or a little nap.
"Voy a echarme un camarón"
"I'm going to have a shrimp"
Submitted September 2023 by llermaly
Expression USED Frequently BY Some People
(calm guy) • It means being relaxed about a situation or relaxing and having a pleasant night.
"Me quedé en la casa, tipo tranquilo."
"I stayed at home, calm guy."
Submitted September 2023 by llermaly
Word USED Frequently BY Some People
(noun) • It refers to a very strong blow.
"Cuidado te caes y de tas un mamonazo"
"Be careful, you fall and you get a mamonazo"
Submitted September 2023 by llermaly
Word USED Frequently BY Some People
(adj.) • Word that indicates that a person has a good vocabulary, speaks well or wants to conquer someone.
"Maria tiene mucha labia"
"Maria has a lot of talk"
Submitted September 2023 by llermaly