Capital city of Salvador, and the nearby region Recôncavo ,
Interjection USED On Rare Occasion BY Young people
(look at the mess over there, look!) • A person trying to call somebody's attention to a nearby confusion or mess (auê). It's a fantastic example of synthesis, shortening the expression "look at the mess here, look." (olhe auê aí, olhe). It's said that it is the only sentence in Portuguese without a single consonant! A Paradise of vowels!
"Olhe para aquilo, que confusão! Ó o auê aí, o!"
Look at that, what a mess, look!
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
French speaking countries
Expression USED Very frequently BY Young People
(I beat my balls about it.) • Used to say that you don't care at all about something. You don't give a damn.
"Je m’en bats les couilles de ces restrictions corona, je vais faire la fête dans tous les cas !"
"I beat my balls about the corona restrictions , I will party anyways!"
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Sound USED On Occasion BY Young People
(sob) • It's a sound or weeping/sobbing. Young people utter this word when they feel like crying, either happy or sad.
"宿題マジたくさん出た。ぴえん。” (shukudai maji takusan deta. pien.)
"I was given lots of homework. sob."
Submitted December 2020 by koinusensei
Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People
(oh, craftsman!) • It is used to call bus drivers, taxi drivers, friends, workers, and random people.
"عامل اية يسطا؟"
"How are you, craftsman? "
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Reference USED Frequently BY Young people
(from Taubaté) • Taubaté is a Brazilian town, famous for being home to the Grávida de Taubaté (Pregnant Woman from Taubaté) who made it to mainstream media saying that she was pregnant with quadruplets. After receiving multiple donations, it was discovered that it was a fake pregnancy. From then on, we say that something is from Taubaté when it is fake.
"Eu admiro muito a fulana, ela é uma ótima advogada." "Você sabe que o diploma dela é de Taubaté, né?"
"I admire karen a lot, she is an excellent lawyer." "You know that her diploma is from Taubaté, right?
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Young People
(dog bear) • Expresses a huge embarrassement. "Dog" is used as quantity, and "bear" as an embarrassing situation or event. Can also be used to express second-hand embarrassment.
"Estaba criticando a mis suegros a sus espaldas y me escucharon. ¡Perro oso!"
"I was bad-mouthing my in-laws behind their backs and they heard me. What a dog bear! "
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(are you at Disney?) • A way of telling someone they are out of their minds, being too crazy, too naive or saying something that makes no sense.
"Eu acho que a Maria gosta de mim!" "Tá na Disney, cara? Ela nem sabe que você existe!"
"I think Maria likes me!" "Are you at Disney, man? She doesn't even know you exist!"
Submitted November 2020 by ritacorazza
Word USED Frequently BY Young People
(noun) • Rolê is used to talk about the plans and the places you go to have fun with your friends, or simply describe the act of going out somewhere. It can also be used to say that something will be difficult to achieve, and you feel kinda lazy about doing it.
"E ai povo, qual o rolê de sexta feira?" "Que rolê pra chegar na sua casa, hein? É muito longe!"
"What's up guys, what's Friday's rolê?" "What a rolê it is to get to your house, huh? It's too far away!"
Submitted November 2020 by ritacorazza
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(Meowed) • Miado is actually the way Brazilians describe the sound made by cats, which would be the English "meow". In this context, however, it is used when something is lame like a party that is actually not very nice. It can also be used when your friends cancel the plans they made with you.
"Que festa miada, cara! Vamos embora!" "A gente ia pro bar mais tarde, mas meus amigos miaram o rolê."
"What a meowed party, man! Let's get out of here!" "We were going to the bar later, but my friends meowed it."
Submitted November 2020 by ritacorazza
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(in the ass of the wolves) • Used to describe a place that's very far or hard to reach.
"Andiamo alla festa di Manuel stasera?" "Oh no, abita in culo ai lupi!"
"Shall we go to Manuel's party tonight?" "Oh no, he lives in the ass of the wolves!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(say frog and I'll jump) • Means thar you are eager to fulfill a request or follow an order.
"¿Puedes ayudarme con algo?" "Claro, tú di rana y yo salto."
"Can you help me with something?" "Sure, just say frog and I'll jump."
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Word USED Frequently BY Young People
(noun, adjective) • A strong hit or blow, a big amount of money, or crazy or wild or mad behavior.
"Essa mina tá bolada." "Eu ganhei uma bolada de dinheiro na loteria." "Ele levou uma bolada na cara."
"that girl is mad." "I won a large sum of money in the lottery." "He got hit by a ball in the face."
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • Very. A lot.
"Cha, tengo buco hambre."
"Damn, I am very hungry."
Submitted November 2020 by amarens
Expression USED Frequently BY Young People
(to be the milk ) • To be cool. It can be used for both people or things.
"¡Eres la leche!" "¡Este juego es la leche!"
"You are the milk!" "This game is the milk!"
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
It means that someone is stupid, or does something stupid.
"Oh, echt een salame zijt ge, ge moet beter opletten."
"you really are a sausage, you have to be more careful."
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People, starting to become outdated
(easyyyy) • Coined by an Israeli pop star, it's a slang used to mean either "cool", "sweat" or "no problem". The nuance is controlled by the length of the L sound.
"טוב מסיימים פה, מנקים, והולכים להרים קצת ערק" "וואו, קללל"
"okay boys, we'll finish here, clean up and hit the pub" "ooo yeah we are!"
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(thanks and bye, liver paste) • Used as a fun way of saying “goodbye”. The Swedish version of “see you later, alligator”. Liver paste can be used as a spread on the traditional Swedish crispy bread. It was used in a famous Swedish children’s book.
"Det var allt för idag. Tack och hej, leverpastej!"
"That was all for today. Thanks and bye, liver paste!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young people
(your asshole) • Used when someone is full of shit, or when you disagree with what they're saying.
"Mano, você é muito ruim nesse jogo." "Teu cu! Eu jogo melhor que você!"
"Dude, you suck at this game." "Your asshole! I'm better than you in it!"
Submitted November 2020 by guaruaru
Slang USED Very frequently BY Young people
(dined) • Used when a person uses very good arguments and wins a discussion.
"They discussed politics and she dined him; he was speechless."
"Eles discutiram política e ela jantou ele; ele ficou sem palavras."
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Young People
(from the nothing) • "Do nada", in a free translation is equivalent to "out of the blue", is something very unexpected.
"Ela terminou comigo do nada."
"She broke up with me from the nothing"