

French France


Word USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (pumps) • Equivalent of "shoes" or "creps".

"J'ai acheté des nouvelles pompes pour courir."

"I bought new shoes to go running."

Confirmed by 10 people


French France

la gueule de bois

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (wooden face) • Hangover.

"J'ai la gueule de bois. J'ai trop bu hier."

"I have the wooden face. I drank too much yesterday."

Confirmed by 12 people



French France


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(broken from laughter) • Equivalent to "lmao" and "lol". Can also mean "I can't anymore" if something is too funny or you are making fun of it. To emphasise the word, add more R.

"Il s'est grave tapé la honte ptdr"

"He made a fool of himself lmao"

Confirmed by 13 people

Czech Czechia

mít knedlík v krku

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to have a dumpling in the throat) • An idiom used when someone is unable to speak or is speechless.

''Měl knedlík v krku, když vstoupil na pódium.''

''He was unable to speak when he entered the stage."

Confirmed by 4 people


Czech Czechia

zlom vaz

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(break your neck) • A common way to wish someone good luck. Instead of using ''a leg'' as it is in English, Czechs prefer to point to the upper body.

''Zlom vaz u zkoušky!''

''Break your neck at the exam!"

Confirmed by 4 people

Czech Czechia


Slang USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (dude) • A colloquial expression used among close friends that can also be used as an insult.

''Hele, vole, máš dneska čas?''

''Hey, dude, are you free today?"

Confirmed by 4 people

French Québec, Canada

faire du train

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to make a train) • To make a lot of noise, to make a racket. Usually used to call out people who are annoying you by making too much noise in your surroundings.

"Arrête donc de faire du train!"

"Stop making so much noise!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Gaelic Scotland

ceud mìle fàilte

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(one hundred thousand welcomes) • A common greeting, often seen on place-name signs of towns

"Failte do dh'Eilean na Hearradh, ceud mìle fàilte!"

"Welcome to the Isle of Harris, one hundred thousand welcomes!"



Scots Scotland


Word USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • Meaning 'small' or 'little'. Can also be used to mean 'young'.

"Gie us a wee dram a' yer whiskey pal"

"Give me a small sip of your whiskey, mate"

Confirmed by 3 people

Turkish Turkey

aralarından su sızmamak

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(not to leak water between them) • It means that you are a very close friend to another person. You talk a lot with them and get along.

"2 kardeşin arasından su sızmaz, çok iyi anlaşırlar."

"Between the 2 siblings they dont leak water between them, they get along well."



Arabic | Levantine Lebanon


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (bury me) • Commonly used by people as a sign of affection. It's a way of saying "I hope I die before you". Can sometimes be used in a condescending way.

"مبروك عالولد ! يئبرني شكلو"

"Congratulations on the baby! May he bury me"

Turkish Turkey

yuvarlanıp gidiyoruz

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(we are rolling and going) • It means that you are caught up in the flow of life and you are trying to manage it. It mostly shows monotony.

"Naber?" "İyi, yuvarlanıp gidiyoruz."

"What's up?" "Good, we are rolling and going."


Romanian Romania and Moldova

a mânca cuiva zilele

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(To eat someone's days) • To embitter or torment. It is used to describe a very unpleasant experience.

"Slujba asta îmi mănâncă zilele."

"This job is eating me alive."

French France

La vache!

Interjection USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(interj.) • (The cow!) • An expression of surprise, admiration, or disappointment.

"Ah la vache! On s’est fait écraser par le PSG à nouveau."

"Oh damn, we got crushed by PSG (Paris Saint-Germain) again."


Korean South Korea


Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

(Awesome! (or jackpot!)) • It is used to express excitement about a great thing that has happened. It must always be paired with an exclamation point.

"시험 통과했어요. 대박!"

"I passed the test. Awesome!"

Confirmed by 2 people


Romanian Moldova

a căsca gura pe dealuri

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(To open your mouth on the hills) • Not being careful, attentive; being distracted.

"Din nou caști gura pe dealuri? Fii mai atent!"

"Again you're opening your mouth on the hills? Be more careful!"

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(adj.) • (muchsaying) • Something that is very telling

“Zijn stilte in deze tijd is veelzeggend”

“His silence in these times is muchsaying”

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (little greetings) • Used as a way to sign off an email, letter or message.

“Ik hoop jullie snel weer te zien. Groetjes, oma.”

“I hope to see you again soon. Little greetings, grandma.”

Confirmed by 3 people


English United Kingdom

hungry as a horse

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

The expression suggests you are very hungry, given the idea that a horse has a big stomach.

"I could eat an entire pizza by myself - I'm as hungry as a horse."

Confirmed by 9 people


English United Kingdom

Pot calling the kettle black

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

Expression used to point out hypocrisy. Traditionally both pot and kettle would've been made out of a similar material, so you can't comment on the appearance of one without it also being relevant to the other.

"You are accusing me of cheating? Talk about pot calling the kettle black!"

Confirmed by 11 people