Spanish Venezuela


Word USED Frequently BY Some People

(verb) • It is to browse, review or scrutinize.

"No jurungues la comida"

"Don't spoil the food"


Spanish Venezuela


Word USED Frequently BY some people

(noun) • Interesting gossip or rumour

"Te voy a contar un beta"

"I'm going to tell you a beta"


Spanish Venezuela


Word USED Frequently BY Some People

(noun) • It is a way of calling beers.

"Vamos a tomarnos unas birras"

"Let's have some birras"

Spanish Venezuela


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • It is the way of referring to work.

"Tengo una buena chamba"

"I have a good job"

Spanish Venezuela


Word USED Very frequently BY Some People

(noun) • Refers to someone's fainting for something exaggerated. Someone's who's dramatically saying that.

"Casi me da un patatus"

"Like this you would me faint"

Spanish Venezuela


Word USED Frequently BY Some People

(noun) • (odds and ends) • It's a very popular synonym to refer to something in particular.

"Ve a lavar los corotos"

"Go wash the odds and ends"

Spanish Venezuela


Word USED Very frequently BY Some People

(adjective) • It's a way to say that you are or someone else is bored or annoyed.

"Estoy Ladillado"

"I'm bored"

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(noun) • (life enjoyer) • Someone who knows how to have a good time.

“Jij bent wel echt een levensgenieter, hé?”

“You are a real life enjoyer, aren’t you?”

Confirmed by 3 people

Swedish Sweden


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(noun) • (wild strawberry place) • A place (or time period) especially associated with comfort, joy, peace, or nostalgia.

"Jag ser så framemot att åka ut till stugan, den är verkligen mitt smultronställe."

"I so look forward to going to the cottage, it really is my wild strawberry place."

French France


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(noun) • When you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings either purposely, for a change of scenery on a holiday or because you feel homesick.

"Pour un vrai dépaysement, allez passer une semaine à Bali!"

"For a real change of scenery, go and spend a week in Bali!"

Confirmed by 2 people


French France


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(adj.) • When you find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings either purposely, for a change of scenery on a holiday or because you feel homesick.

"Pour un vrai dépaysement, allez passer une semaine à Bali!"

"For a real dépaysement, go and spend a week in Bali!"

Venetian Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • The smell of badly washed crockery, which where used to contain fish, eggs or dairy products; The smell of wet dog; The smell of stale water.

"El bicer el sa da freschin."

"The glass smells like bad."

Italian Neapolitan and other southern dialects, Italy


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • It defines a state of melancholic nostalgia towards something that is currently missing in your life and won't be likely recovered. Usually, it accompanies people relocating to a new place far away from home, but it can also be extended to more general reflections about life and our existential condition.

"Ajere m'agge curcato, penzanne a la vita mije ultimamente e quille che ce vole pe te fa l'abbetudene de vive all'estere: tanne, l'appocundria m'è scuppiate mbiette!"

"Yesterday I was lying in bed thinking about my latest life events and what it takes to adapt to a new life abroad: that's when appocundria started to kick in!"

French France

le dépaysement

Word USED On Occasion BY Anyone talking about travel

(noun) • (discountriment) • Refers to the culture shock and/or the feeling of being lost one may feel when visiting a foreign country. Can be used in either the positive or the negative sense.

“J'étais au Japon la semaine dernière. Le dépaysement total !”

“I was in Japan last week. It was a total discountriment!”

Confirmed by 2 people

Persian Afghanistan


Word USED Very frequently BY People

(adverb) • Nawroz is composed of two words: /naw/or /no/: new and /roz/: day. Which means new day. It is the first day of solar year which is the celebration of spring and new year in Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan and other neighboring countries. Used to wish people a happy new year at the beginning of the year as well.

"nawroz peroz" "nawroz mubarak"

"Have a successful new day/year" "Happy new year"

Swedish Sweden


Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(noun) • (the between-days) • The days between Boxing day and New Year's Eve.

"Hinner vi ses någon gång i Mellandagarna?"

"We will have time to see each other sometime in the between-days?"


English English speaking countries


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(noun) • Short form of Christmas

"We need to get Chrissy presents for Bill and his family before they come and visit."

Confirmed by 2 people

English Australia


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(noun) • A short form of the word chicken, especially referring to a cooked chicken.

"The Christmas chook is almost ready!"

Confirmed by 2 people

English English speaking countries


Word USED Frequently BY Some People

(noun) • A more informal word for an umbrella

'Don't forget to take your brolly, it might rain later!'

Confirmed by 2 people


English Australia


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(noun) • Short form of the word 'relative'; a family member. Plural form would be "relos".

"I visited the rellos in Hanoi recently."

Confirmed by 2 people