| Honduran
Slang USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(adj.) • (solid) • Used to describe something cool.
"Que macizo ese carro."
"How cool is that car."
Submitted November 2020 by shadyzu
Word USED Very frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • (meek, tame) • 1) "Cool", "awesome". 2) It can also be used as an intensifier (i.e. "such a x"), but this last meaning might not always be positive.
1) "Me regalaron un celu nuevo." "¡Manso!" 2) "Los de la empresa de viajes al final eran mansos estafadores."
1) "I was gifted a new phone." "Cool!" 2) "The people from the travel agency turned out to be such scammers."
Slang USED Very frequently BY Teens
(adj.) • Short for “legitimate”. Used like “cool.” Meaning new, exciting, in fashion, etc.
"Your coat is legit”
Slang USED Frequently BY Teens
(adj.) • Used the same way as “cool.”
“Did you see my new AirPods?” “Dude! Those are so dope!”
German speaking countries
Word USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(adj.) • (cool) • Used to express acceptance, or to indicate that you like something.
"Es ist toll das du da bist."
"It is cool that you are here."
German speaking countries
Word USED Very frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • Used both as an adjective or an interjection to express that you like something or approval.
"Dein neues Lied ist echt geil!"
"Your new song is really cool!"
Word USED On Occasion BY Young People
(adj.) • It means “cool”.
"Das ist echt knorke!"
"That’s really cool!"
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(adjective) • Equivalent to the English "cool".
"Наконец-то купил себе велосипед." "О, круто."
"I finally bought myself a bicycle." "Wow, cool."
Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People
"Chingón" means "good" in a very impolite and informal way, so you can only use it with your long-time friends.
"Ese carro está muy chingón."
"That car is fucking awesome."
Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • This word basically means “cool” or “nice” It can be used in plenty of contexts
"Man, te quedo super yeyo el outfit." "Fren, estamos en una fiesta super yeya."
"Man, your outfit is really cool" "Bro, we are at a cool party."
Word USED Very frequently BY Students
(adj.) • Something or someone cool and trendy.
"Hyper stylé le nouvel iPhone!"
"The new iPhone is so cool!"
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • You can use "cool" to react to something you like or you find interesting or great.
“He’s wearing a cool top.” “It’s a cool place.”
Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People
(n.) • Used between young people to say that something is lit and very cool.
"Questo libro è una figata."
"This book is lit."
Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(adj.) • Cool or great.
"Das isch so läss."
"That's so cool."
Submitted August 2020 by domi
French speaking countries
Word USED Frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • (stylish) • Used to say something's cool.
"Stylée ta nouvelle caisse !"
"Stylish, your new car!"
Word USED Very frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • Something cool.
"Che figa questa borsa!"
"Such a cool purse!"
Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(adj.) • ((he's) stealing) • Can be used in any context exactly as the word "cool".
"הסרט הזה ממש מגניב!"
"This movie is really cool!"
Submitted August 2020 by elianahaddad
Slang USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(adj.) • When you think something is cool, great, terrific.
“Qué guay!“
“How cool!”
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
It is a way to say something is really cool.
"¡Hoy recibí el correo de que me aceptaron en la universidad!" "!Qué chivo! ¡Felicidades!"
"Today I received an email that I got accepted into college!" "That's so cool! Congratulations!"
Slang USED On Occasion BY Young People
(that is fat) • Way of saying “that’s cool”.
“Wauw hij heeft nieuwe schoenen, dat is vet!”
“Wow he has new shoes, that is fat!”