Low Saxon
| Gronings
Word USED Very frequently BY Everybody
Stuff, bunch, everything, the whole thing, rubbish
"En den moakt ze de boudel zo goud en zo kwoad as dat gaait vaast."
"And then she fastens everything as good and as bad as that goes."
Submitted October 2024 by anonymous
| Drenths & Gronings
Word USED Frequently BY friends & acquaintances
(interj.) • It's a local variety of 'hi', can also be used as a parting-greeting. I believe it to stem from either 'goedemorgen' (good morning) or 'mooi(e dag)' or something similar (which means beautiful (day)) but this is guesswork on my part.
“Moi, hoe is 't?” Ok, moi hè!
“Hi, how is it?” “Ok, bye”