Italian | Milanese Lombardy, Italy
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everybody
(Go get the rats) • It literally means "Go get the rats". It is used when you want to tell someone to get lost.
"Sei proprio fastidioso, va a ciapà i ratt!"
"You are annoying, go get the rats!"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Italian | Milanese Lombardy, Italy
Name USED On Occasion BY Some People
(little squash) • Word used in the Milanese dialect to refer to a lunchbox carrying food for school/university/work.
"Vieni a mangiare la pizza con noi?" "Andate voi, io mi sono portata la schiscetta".
"We are going out to eat pizza, are you coming with us?" "You guys go, I brought my schiscetta today".