Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people, elderly people
(amniotic sac) • Synonym for hot water bottle, with the connotations of comfort, being sick and getting better
"Oma macht dir dein Fruchtblasl, damit du gesund wirst."
"Grandma will get you your hot water bottle to help you get better soon."
Submitted April 2024 by anonymous
German speaking countries
nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank haben
Expression USED On Occasion BY Elderly people, Baby Boomers, Hipsters, People who make fun of it
(not to have all cups in the cupboard anymore) • to be or do something crazy or out of your mind It’s the english equivalent of having a screw loose.
„Du bist bei Rot über die Kreuzung gefahren? Du hast ja nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank!“
„You ran over a red traffic light? You don‘t have cups in your cabinet!“
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Uno, due, tre... Fante, cavallo e re!
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Elderly people
(One, two, three... Jack, knight and king!) • This rhyme is something elderly people say when counting up to three, sometimes before getting up from a chair or sofa.
"Ah, mi fa male la schiena! Adesso mi alzo. Uno, due, tre... Fante, cavallo e re!"
"Ouch, my back hurts! I'll get up now. One, two, three. Jack, knight and king!"