Expression USED Very frequently BY Young adults
(in the ass of the world) • Expression used to describe a place that is located very very far away.
"Su casa queda en el culo en el poto del mundo".
"His house is in the ass of the world".
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
French speaking countries
Expression USED Very frequently BY Young adults and adults
(Destroy everything!) • Used to wish good luck to someone, for instance for a job interview or an important exam.
"Vas-y, tu vas tout défoncer à ton contrôle !"
"Go ahead, you'll destroy everything for your test!"
Acronym USED Frequently BY Teens, young adults
Short for "fils de pute", literally "son of a bitch". It is most often used as an insult, but sometimes, young adults can use it at the end of a sentence, when they are annoyed and want to exaggerate. It's mainly used when texting, but you can also hear it spoken. Caution: "fdp" is also a short for "frais de port" (shipping costs).
"Rends-moi mon argent fdp."
"Give me back my money you son of a bitch."
Word USED On Occasion BY young adults
(n.) • (idea) • Used when expressing approval and/or interest in a suggestion or opinion. Can be formal or informal depending on the situation. E.g. could be considered informal when addressing elders but not in a meeting - be it official or non-official.
"في رايي كون نزيدو سعر المنتج وحدو و نبيعوه في باكيات تع 3 و نديرو سولد تجي مليحة" "!ايه فكرة"
"In my opinion, if we raise the price of the product on its own and then sell it in packs of 3 on sale, it would be good." "Oh yeah that's an idea!"
Submitted July 2020 by suzibyun
Area around Lyon,
Name USED Very frequently BY young adults
(a big person) • Slang term for "mate", "dude" or "bro".
"Gros t'as pas vu mes clefs?"
"Mate did you find my keys?"