Russian Various countries


Hashtag USED Frequently BY Everyone

(#FreeHachaturyanSisters) • A hashtag created to support the Hachaturyan sisters, who are at risk of imprisonment after the planned murder of their own father. For a long time, the Hachaturyan sisters were subjected to domestic violence and coercion into sexual acts by their father.

"Нет оправдания насилию в семье! #свободусестрамхачатурян"

"There is no excuse for domestic violence! #FreeHachaturyanSisters"

Confirmed by 3 people




Russian Various countries


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It reflects the highest degree of laughter. Equivalent to the English 'LOL' and 'kek'.

"Классный анекдот, я просто ору."

"Cool joke, LOL."

Confirmed by 4 people




Russian Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Russian sound for sarcastic laughter.

"Этим ребятам не везется сегодня. Гыгыгыгыгы"

"These guys are not lucky today. Ha ha ha"

Confirmed by 3 people


Russian Russia


Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

A situation that the speaker has personally encountered.

"Да ладно тебе, это же жиза!"

"Come on, this is life!"

Confirmed by 4 people


Russian Russia


Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

It is used to express a grin, often ironic. Equivalent to the English 'LOL' and 'kek'.

"Я сегодня поскользнулся! Кек."

"I slipped today! LOL."

Confirmed by 2 people

Russian Various countries


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Slang word for car.

"Чья это тачка вон там?"

"Whose car is that over there?"



Russian Various countries


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • It means cool.

"У тебя клёвая машина."

"You have a cool car."



Russian Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Russian sound for coughing that someone makes to show various feelings, such as doubt, disapproval, embarrassment, or to attract attention.

"Кхм, кхм, кхм... помоги мне с багажами, пожалуйста."

"Ahem, ahem, ahem... help me with my luggage, please."

Confirmed by 5 people

Russian Russia

Сколько лет, сколько зим

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

(how many years, how many winters) • It is used for telling somebody that you have not seen each other for a long time.

"Привет! Сколько лет, сколько зим!"

"Hi! How many years, how many winters."



Russian Russia


Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Most People

It means “hi” or “hello”.

"Привет! Как дела?"

"Hi! How are you?"


Russian Russia


Sound USED Frequently BY Most People

Sound made when knocking on a door.

«Тук-тук, можно войти?»

“Knock knock, may I come in?”


Russian Russia


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It is a slang name of Russia.

"Кто хочет поехать в Рашку? Там много уникальных мест."

"Who wants to go to Russia? There are many unique places."

Confirmed by 5 people


Russian Russia


Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone

Accurate information. It shows that a person is one hundred percent sure of something.

"Он с ней встречается - инфасотка."

"He's dating her. I'm sure about it."

Confirmed by 3 people


Russian Russia

Ехать зайцем

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to travel as a rabbit ) • To go by bus/train without paying for a ticket.

"Он был оштрафован, за то что ехал в автобусе зайцем."

"He was fined for travelling as a rabbit."



Russian Russia

ничего себе!

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It is an expression used to show amazement or wonderment.

"Я открыла дверь комнаты и увидела муж, обнимающий другую женщину у меня перед глазами!" "Ничего себе!"

"I opened the door and saw my husband hugging another woman in front of my eyes!" "Wow!"

Confirmed by 2 people

Russian | Moldovan Moldova


Name USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(Pussies) • Russians living in Moldova use this vulgar name to refer to a very poor region in which a person lives.

"Ничего не знаешь, как будто живешь в Пиздюшанах!"

"You don't know anything, as if you live in Pussies!"


Russian Russia


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It is a slang name of the application Telegram.

"Я отправил тебе кое-что в телеге, проверь."

"I sent you something on Telegram, check it out."

Confirmed by 3 people

Russian Russia


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(may be) • Internet slang abbreviation for "может быть", meaning "may be".

"Мб будет лучше, если я позвоню тебе позже."

"It may be better if I call you later."


Russian Russia


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(dick knows) • Internet slang abbreviation for "хуй знает", meaning "nobody fucking knows".

"Хз, что происходит, но очень интересно."

"Dick knows what's going on, but it's very interesting."

Confirmed by 4 people

Russian Russia


Emoji USED Very frequently BY Everyone

Used to show that a person does not understand something or has a stone face.

"Можешь сказать мне что случилось? Я ничего не понимаю 🗿"

"Can you tell me what happened? I don't understand anything 🗿"

Confirmed by 4 people