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German German speaking countries


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (earworm) • A song stuck in your head.

"Ich habe seit Tagen einen Ohrwurm von diesem Lied! Es geht mir einfach nicht aus dem Kopf!"

"I've had an earworm of this song for the past few days! I just can't get it out of my head!"

Confirmed by 12 people

German Germany

ich glaub mein Fisch piept am letzten Loch

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(I think my fish beeps at the last hole) • An expression of ironic shock.

''Du hast meine pommes geklaut! Ich glaube mein Fisch piept am letzten Loch!''

''You stole my fries! I think my fish beeps at the last hole!''

German Germany

ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

( I think my pig whistles.) • an expression of shock in an satiric/ironic way when something unexpected happens

Er hat mein Auto geklaut! Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift!

He stole my car! I think my pig whistles!

Confirmed by 2 people


German Germany

Hals und Beinbruch

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (neck and leg fracture ) • Used to wish someone good luck, especially if it's relating to something dangerous.

"Ich werde meinem Chef sagen, dass ich aus Versehen meinen Stuhl kaputt gemacht habe." "Oh, na dann Hals und Beinbruch!"

"I'm going to tell my boss that I accidentally broke my chair." "Oh, well break a leg and your neck!"

Confirmed by 3 people



German German speaking countries


Slang USED On Occasion BY Teens

(n.) • (ass-violin) • An insult for someone you really don't like, a synonym for "idiot".

"Er hat mir mein Geld geklaut! So eine Arschgeige!"

"He stole my money! What an ass-violin!"

Confirmed by 2 people