
German | Baseldytsch Basel, Switzerland

es schifft

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

(it ships) • Meaning it is pouring rain.

"Ich chum nid, es schifft."

"I'm not coming, it is shipping."

Confirmed by 5 people


Italian Italy

Portmanteau USED Frequently BY Everyone

(yesno) • Yes and no. And also neither of them.

"Quindi hai litigato con tuo fratello?" "Nì."

"So did you argue with your brother?" "Yesno."

Confirmed by 10 people

German German speaking countries

das Fass zum Überlaufen bringen

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to make the barrel overflow) • To cross the line of what is allowed or tolerable or: to cause the escalation of a situation.

"Jetzt reicht's! Mit deinen rücksichtslosen Aktionen bringst du das Fass echt zum Überlaufen!"

"That's enough! You really make the barrel overflow with your reckless actions!"

Confirmed by 2 people


German German speaking countries

Es schüttet wie aus Eimern

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(It is pouring out of buckets) • This phrase can be used to describe heavy rainfall.

"Wir mussten unser Familientreffen absagen, es schüttete wie aus Eimern."

"We had to cancel our family gathering, it was pouring out of buckets."

Confirmed by 8 people


Spanish Argentina

¡Chocolate por la noticia!

Expression USED Very frequently BY Adults

(Chocolate for the news!) • When someone makes an announcement thinking that it's new information, but it isn't.

"Resulta que Laura está saliendo con Marcos." "¡Chocolate por la noticia!"

"Turns out Laura is dating Marcos." "Chocolate for the news!"

Confirmed by 7 people

Italian Italy

avere grilli per la testa

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to have crickets in your head) • When you have a lot of thoughts on your mind, or when your it's filled with ideas, desires, dreams.

"Non riesco a concentrarmi, ho troppi grilli per la testa!"

"I can't focus, I have too many crickets in my head!"

Confirmed by 7 people


Italian Italy


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It's the abbreviation of "va bene", literally "sure", "all right". It's also often used as a filler and it can be an expression of irritation, concession, resignation, admission, reluctance and more.

"Vabbè fai quel che ti pare!"

"Oh well do what you want then!"

Confirmed by 10 people



Italian Italy

Piove come Dio la manda

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(It rains as God sends it) • When it’s pouring; it’s usually used when talking about the weather.

“Com’è il tempo?” “Piove come Dio la manda.”

“What’s the weather like?” “It’s raining as Gos sends it.”

Confirmed by 8 people


French France

tomber des cordes

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to rain strings) • To rain heavily.

"Je ne sors pas aujourd'hui, il tombe des cordes."

"I am not going out today, it is raining strings."


Spanish Caracas, Venezuela

Está cayendo un palo de agua

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(A stick of water is falling) • It is used to say that it's raining a lot.

"¡Por acá está cayendo un palo de agua!"

"Over here, a stick of water is falling!"

Confirmed by 4 people


Italian Italy

Piove a catinelle

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(It's raining basins) • Used when it's raining heavily.

"Ha iniziato a piovere a catinelle appena sono uscito, sono bagnato fradicio!"

"It started raining basins as soon as I got out, I'm soaking wet!"

Confirmed by 9 people


Spanish Spain

está lloviendo a mares

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(it is raining seas) • It is raining heavily.

"Voy a la tienda." "Asegúrate de llevar un paraguas, está lloviendo a mares."

"I'm going to the corner shop." "Make sure you take an umbrella, it is raining seas."

Confirmed by 4 people


Italian | Venetian Veneto, Italy

man de puina

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(cottage-cheese hand) • Exclamation used to slightly insult someone who has dropped something or usually drops things.

"Ti è caduto di nuovo il cellulare? Hai proprio le man de puina!"

"You dropped your phone again? Your hand are like cottage cheese!"

English New Zealand

She's bucketing down out there

Expression USED Frequently BY Kiwis

When it's raining hard

Bro, take a jacket with you. She's bucketing down out there.


Polish Poland

leje jak z cebra

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Everyone

(it rains like from a wooden bucket) • Used to say when it rains heavily.

"Nie możemy iść dziś na spacer, leje jak z cebra."

"We can't go for a walk today, it's raining like from a wooden bucket."

Confirmed by 3 people



Italian | Venetian Veneto, Italy

Sta slavazando

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

Dialect version of the Italian sentence ''sta diluviando" (it's pouring).

"Forse l'ombrello non è sufficiente: fuori sta slavazando."

"Perhaps the umbrella won't be enough: it's pouring."

Confirmed by 2 people

Polish Poland

tego kwiatu jest pół światu

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Everyone

(half of the world is filled with the same flower) • there is more boys/girls out there

"Rozstaliście się ale nie martw się, tego kwiata jest pół świata."

"You guys broke up but no worry, half of the world is filled with the same flower."

Polish Poland

dwoić się i troić

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to double and triple yourself) • Used when someone has a lot to do and has to move fast

"Ona dwoi się i troi zeby skończyć na czas."

"She doubles and triples herself to finish on time."

Russian Russia


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(may be) • Internet slang abbreviation for "может быть", meaning "may be".

"Мб будет лучше, если я позвоню тебе позже."

"It may be better if I call you later."


English Australia

hey cunt

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Young boys

Friendly way to say hello. Appropriate choice of audience is a must.

"Hey cunt, what's going on?"

Confirmed by 3 people