
French Belgium


Word USED Very frequently BY Students

(n.) • This word refers to student parties, often in university towns, where beer is highly consumed. There is also music, often old French songs, and student songs. You can also use the verb "guindailler".

"A chaque fois que je vais en guindaille, je deviens mort bourré."

"Whenever I go to guindaille, I get very drunk."

Confirmed by 4 people

French Belgium

tirer son plan

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(to pull out one's map) • To cope on one's own.

"Je vous accompagnerai à l'école et vous aiderai avec vos devoirs durant la première semaine. Après ça, vous tirez votre plan."

"I will accompany you to school and help you with your homework during the first week. After that, you'll have to cope on your own."

Confirmed by 6 people

French & Dutch Belgium


Word USED Frequently BY Students

(n.) • Typical Belgian word used by Dutch- and French-speakers. It is a student accommodation, often a flat shared with other students.

"Ce soir, je fais une pré à mon kot; tu viendras?"

"Tonight, I'm having a preparty at my dorm; will you come?"

Confirmed by 8 people



Dutch | Flemish Flanders, Belgium

As ons kat een koei was, konnen we ze melken veu de stoof

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(If our cat was a cow, we could milk it in front of the hearth) • Used as a reply when someone says something hypothetical starting with "If". It expresses something like: "it's no use thinking that way, because things aren't that way."

"As we een kaart hadde meegenome zoude we nà zo nie zitte zuken." "Ja, en as ons kat een koei was, konnen we ze melken veu de stoof."

"If we had brought a map, we wouldn't be searching like this." "Yes, and if our cat was a cow, we could milk it in front of the hearth."

Confirmed by 2 people

French Belgium


Word USED On Occasion BY Young People

(noun) • (tourist) • It refers to students who never have their materials (pen, sheets of paper, ...) or know what they are supposed to do in class.

"Dis, tu peux me passer une feuille? Et un stylo? Et, on doit faire quoi?" "Mec, t'es vraiment un touriste!"

"Hey, can you give me a sheet of paper? And a pen? And, what are we supposed to do?" "Dude, you're such a tourist!"

Confirmed by 3 people

Dutch | Flemish Belgium

tussen de soep en de patatten

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(between the soup and the potatoes) • When something is done very quickly, while you're already busy.

"Ik zal je huiswerk tussen de soep en de patatten wel eens bekijken."

"I'll have a look at your homework between the soup and the potatoes."


Dutch | Flemish Flanders, Belgium

het hol van pluto

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(the ass of pluto) • The middle of nowhere

"We waren echt in het hol van pluto, er was geen enkel huis te bespeuren!"

"We were really in the ass of pluto, there were no houses to be seen!"


Dutch | Flemish Flanders, Belgium

met je gat in de boter vallen

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to fall with your ass in the butter) • To be very lucky, to end up in a good place

"De eigenaar van het hotel was heel vriendelijk. We zijn er echt met ons gat in de boter gevallen!"

"The owner of the hotel was very nice. We really fell with our asses in the butter there!"


Dutch | Flemish Flanders, Belgium

het leven is geen ponykamp

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(life is not a pony camp) • Life is not always easy.

"Ik ben gebuisd voor mijn examen. Helaas, maar het leven is geen ponykamp."

"I failed my exam. It sucks, but life's not a pony camp."

Dutch Netherlands and Belgium


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • (garden snake) • Garden hose.

"Ik giet de bloemetjes met de tuinslang."

"I water the flowers with the garden snake."

Confirmed by 5 people

French Wallonia, Belgium

il n'y a pas un chat

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(there isn't a cat) • The place is so empty there's no one there, not even a cat.

"J'ai été visiter un village fantôme, il n'y avait pas un chat!"

"I visited a ghost town, there wasn't even a cat!"

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands and Belgium

aan de slag

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(on the battle) • Phrase used to encourage others to start something that needs to be done.

"Oké jongens, aan de slag! We hebben niet veel tijd meer."

"Okay guys, let's get to work! We don't have much time left."


Dutch | Gents Gent, Belgium

vree wijs

Word USED Frequently BY People from Ghent

(adj.) • (very wise) • Used to describe something that is fun, cool, nice.

“Het feestje van gisteren was vree wijs!“

“The party yesterday was very wise!”

Dutch | Flemish Flanders, Belgium

te veel van het goede

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(too much of the good) • When there’s such an excessive amount of something you normally like, it’s no longer enjoyable.

"Chocomelk én brownies, da’s te veel van het goede."

"Chocolate milk AND brownies, that’s too much of the good."

Confirmed by 5 people


French Belgium

a tantôt

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Everyone

See you later.

"Je vais y aller maintenant, à tantôt!"

"I'm going now, see you later!"

Confirmed by 3 people

French Belgium

trop bien!

Interjection USED Frequently BY Young People

(so good!) • Used to say that something is cool.

"Je viens de gagner un voyage!" "Oh, trop bien!"

"I've just won a trip!" "That's so cool!"

Confirmed by 4 people


Dutch | Aalst Belgium

het leven is een soep

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(life is a soup) • Life is not easy.

"Het leven is een soep, al die miserie toch."

"Life is a soup, all these troubles."

Confirmed by 4 people