German Northern Germany , Germany


Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

A greeting which can be used at any given time.

"Moin, wie geht's dir?"

"Hello, how are you?"

Confirmed by 4 people

German Germany


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • Describes a total chaos.

"In der Wohnung herrschte ein einziges Tohuwabohu, überall lagen Sachen herum."

"The apartment was in a total chaos, there were things laying around everywhere."

Confirmed by 4 people

German Germany


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • Used to describe a deep sense of security and comfort. It is the feeling that everything is exactly how it should be, such as snuggling up with a loved one or eating home-cooked food when returning to your childhood home.

"Meine Kinder genießen die Geborgenheit einer liebevollen Familie."

"My children enjoy the comfort of a loving family."

German Germany


Portmanteau USED Frequently BY Some People

(yesno) • A contraction of the words "ja" (yes) and "nein" (no). It means that you agree to what has being said, but that you disagree about one aspect that has been mentioned or that you restrict your affirmation.

"Kann ich mir dein Auto ausleihen?" "Jein, höchstens für die nächste halbe Stunde. Dann brauche ich es selber."

"Can I borrow your car?" "Yes, but only for the next half hour. Then I need it myself."

German Germany


Expression USED In the past BY nearly everyone

(adj.) • Knorke was used around 2000-2010 as an adjective of acceptance and finding something nice.

"Das ist echt knorke."

"This is really nice."

Confirmed by 12 people

German Eastern Westfalia, Germany


Expression USED Frequently BY everyone

(n.) • (Shuffling sip) • The last drink you have in a bar before going home - or, optionally, to take on the way home with you. Similar to the english expression "one for the road".

Oha, schon wieder spät - Zeit für´n Schlürschluck!

Oh wow, it´s this late again already - time for a shuffling sip!

Confirmed by 4 people


German Germany


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (dozing paddle) • A somewhat endearing and friendly insult, "Döspaddel" is used for someone who failed to do a simple task in either a clumsy or a sleepy manner.

"Ich Döspaddel hab beim einkaufen die Eier fallen gelassen."

"I was a dozing paddle and dropped the eggs while shopping."

Confirmed by 9 people

German Germany


Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY wanderers

(n.) • (Woodloneliness) • The feeling of being alone in the woods - mostly in the calm and tranquil sense.

"Ich muss mal wieder raus aus der Stadt und die Waldeinsamkeit geniessen."

"I need to get out of town again some time and enjoy the woodloneliness."

Confirmed by 11 people


German Germany

doof wie Stroh

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(stupid as straw) • Used to say that someone is not very intelligent.

"Er hat schon wieder seine Tasche vergessen." "Er ist echt doof wie Stroh."

"He forgot his bag again." "He really is as stupid as straw."

Confirmed by 2 people

German Germany

einen Haufen Asche haben

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to have a pile of ash) • to be rich

"Der hat echt einen Haufen Asche!"

"He is really rich!"

Confirmed by 3 people



German Germany

Tschö mit ö

Slang USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People

Another term for goodbye.

"Auf Wiedersehen!" "Tschö mit ö"

"Goodbye!" "Goodbye"

Confirmed by 2 people


German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People

(interj.) • Form of saying 'bye', most commonly used in a cheery way when you're having a good day. A combination of "Tschüss" (bye) and the ending "kowski" which is a common Polish ending for a last name.

"Bis morgen! Tschüssikowski!"

"See you tomorrow! Tschüssikowski!"

Confirmed by 6 people

German Germany

ich glaub mein Fisch piept am letzten Loch

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(I think my fish beeps at the last hole) • An expression of ironic shock.

''Du hast meine pommes geklaut! Ich glaube mein Fisch piept am letzten Loch!''

''You stole my fries! I think my fish beeps at the last hole!''

German | Hessian Hessia, Germany


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Used in Hessia and parts

A way of saying Guten Tag.

"Gude, wie geht’s?"

"Hi, how are you?"

Confirmed by 2 people