

Marathi Maharashtra, India

मी हिब्रूत बोललो/बोलले का ?

Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Anyone, generally elders or peers

(Did I speak in Hebrew?) • In order to grab attention or reiterate that one said the same thing as what the audience said, or also used in order to say that you already agree on the same point and have mentioned it.

"चहात साखर नाही आहे." "चहा गोड का नाही आहे?" "मग, मी आत्ता हिब्रूत बोललो का? चहात साखर नाही आहे."

"There's no sugar in the tea." "The tea isn't sweet." "Then did I speak in Hebrew right now? There's no sugar in the tea."