
Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY Most People

(n.) • (day) • Short for "goedendag" "goodday" and is used to say both "hello" and "good-bye".

"Dag Marja! Alles goed?" "Ja prima, maar ik moet er nu weer vandoor" "Oké, dag" "Dag!"

"Day Marja! Everything okay?" "Yes, fine, but I have to run" "Okay, day" "Day!"

Confirmed by 7 people

German Germany


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • Used to describe a deep sense of security and comfort. It is the feeling that everything is exactly how it should be, such as snuggling up with a loved one or eating home-cooked food when returning to your childhood home.

"Meine Kinder genießen die Geborgenheit einer liebevollen Familie."

"My children enjoy the comfort of a loving family."


Arabic Algeria


Word USED On Occasion BY young adults

(n.) • (idea) • Used when expressing approval and/or interest in a suggestion or opinion. Can be formal or informal depending on the situation. E.g. could be considered informal when addressing elders but not in a meeting - be it official or non-official.

"في رايي كون نزيدو سعر المنتج وحدو و نبيعوه في باكيات تع 3 و نديرو سولد تجي مليحة" "!ايه فكرة"

"In my opinion, if we raise the price of the product on its own and then sell it in packs of 3 on sale, it would be good." "Oh yeah that's an idea!"


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(adj.) • (longthreadish) • Used for stories that are too long.

“Wat vond je van m’n essay?” “Ik vond het een beetje langdradig.”

“What did you think of my essay?” “I thought it was a little longthreadish.”

Confirmed by 3 people


Spanish Honduras


Word USED Frequently BY Most People

(n.) • Used to refer to sympathizers of the country's conservative national party and narco-dictator.

"No le importan los derechos del pueblo, fijo es cachureco."

"He doesn't care about people's rights, he must be cachureco."

Spanish Honduras


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(n.) • It's used to refer to cops. The term was originated in the 80s.

"Cuídate de los chepos."

"Beware of the cops."



French France


Word USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (pumps) • Equivalent of "shoes" or "creps".

"J'ai acheté des nouvelles pompes pour courir."

"I bought new shoes to go running."

Confirmed by 10 people


French Lyon, France


Word USED Very frequently BY Students

(n.) • Slang term for "car".

"Ma vago est tombée en panne hier."

"My car broke down yesterday."

Confirmed by 5 people


Scots Scotland


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • A sudden, thundery shower of rain.

"It's awfie dreich the day, a reckon we're in fer an unco big thunder-plump!"

"It's awfully grey today, I reckon there's a very big thunder-plump coming!"

Spanish Buenos Aires, Argentina


Word USED Frequently BY Young people

(n.) • A way to refer to your informal love partner.

"Are you and Juan boyfriend and girlfriend? Naaa, he is my chongo. We only see each other from time to time"



Scots Scotland


Word USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • Meaning 'small' or 'little'. Can also be used to mean 'young'.

"Gie us a wee dram a' yer whiskey pal"

"Give me a small sip of your whiskey, mate"

Confirmed by 3 people

French France

une taffe

Word USED Frequently BY Most People

(n.) • A drag of a cigarette.

"Je peux te prendre une taffe?"

"Can I have a drag?"

English Sunderland, United Kingdom


Word USED Very frequently BY Most People

(adj.) • Used to express positive feelings towards something.

"Yeah I like him, he's a canny lad."

English Northern England, United Kingdom


Word USED Very frequently BY Some People

(n.) • A cup of tea. Contraction of the phrase "cup of".

"Want a cuppa?" "Ok, go on then."

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(adj.) • (muchsaying) • Something that is very telling

“Zijn stilte in deze tijd is veelzeggend”

“His silence in these times is muchsaying”

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (little greetings) • Used as a way to sign off an email, letter or message.

“Ik hoop jullie snel weer te zien. Groetjes, oma.”

“I hope to see you again soon. Little greetings, grandma.”

Confirmed by 3 people


French Eastern regions, France


Word USED Frequently BY Some People

(adj.) • "Être nareux" or "nareuse" means that you can't use something, like a glass, a bottle, or a spoon, after someone else. It's mostly used by people from the eastern regions of France.

"Si tu n'es pas nareux tu peux boire dans ma bouteille"

"If you are not nareux you can drink in my bottle"

English United Kingdom


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(adj.) • A shortened form of "barking mad" ie: insane. Used for emphasis.

“Harry is under the impression Draco is now a death eater” “You’re barking!”

Confirmed by 10 people

Norwegian bokmål Norway


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • It can refer to something cozy, comfortable, pleasant, nice and warm, or to a person who is nice, kind and careful to others.

"Du har en koselig hytte!"

"You have a koselig cabin!"

Confirmed by 8 people


Italian Italy


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Sudden sleepiness that occurs especially after a big meal.

"Dopo pranzo mi viene sempre l'abbiocco!"

"After lunch I have always the abbiocco!"

Confirmed by 20 people