Spanish Spain

en pelotas

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(in balls) • With one's testicles out, i.e. naked.

"Abrígate, que viene la vecina. Que no te pille en pelotas."

"Cover up, the neighbor is coming. She better not see you in balls."

Confirmed by 6 people


Spanish Lima, Peru


Slang USED Frequently BY Young People

(n.) • (paw) • Used to say my friend/buddy or to refer to a guy, but always used in 3rd person.

"Mañana mi pata hará una fiesta por su cumpleaños." "Mi hermano conoce un pata que te puede ayudar."

"Tomorrow, my paw is going to throw a party for his birthday." "My brother knows a paw who can help you."


Spanish Buenos Aires, Argentina

hola bella

Expression USED Frequently BY Young People

(hi beautiful) • It's a way of saying hello to a close friend.

"Hola bella! Hacemos videollamada hoy un ratito?"

"Hi beautiful! Wanna make a videocall today for a while?"

Confirmed by 10 people


Spanish Honduras


Expression USED On Occasion BY Gen Y'ers

(n.) • Used mostly by Gen X and Gen Y to refer to a friend.

"Vamos a tener una reunión, hace tiempo no veo a mis aleros"

"We're having a reunion, haven't seen my aleros in a while"

Confirmed by 2 people