
Serbian Serbia

zagrej stolicu

Expression USED Frequently BY parents and teachers

(warm your chair ) • You say this when you think someone should study more.

"Ako želiš da položiš ispit, moraćeš da zagreješ stolicu!"

"If you want to pass the exam, you will need to warm your chair!"

Confirmed by 3 people



Serbian Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro

okači mačku o rep

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(hang it on a cat's tail) • That's what you say when someone did something that you find pointless or useless.

"Tu diplomu možeš da okačiš mačku o rep!"

"You can hang that diploma on a cat's tail!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Serbian Serbia

luk i voda

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(onion and water) • Used to depict something that is very easy to complete.

"Kontrolni zadatak je bio luk i voda, sve sam dobro uradio."

"The test was onion and water, I did everything correctly."


Serbian Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro


Slang USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • Informal way of saying "money". More formal way would be "novac".

"Pare ljude kvare."

"Money spoils people."