Spanish Madrid, Spain


Slang USED Frequently BY Young People

(mallet) • This word is used to mean very, many or a lot.

"No sé, por estas mismas páginas hace años había mazo de gente convencida de que un apocalipsis zombi era un escenario tanto plausible como deseable."

"I don't know, years ago, in these websites there were mallet of people convinced that a zombie apocalypse was both a feasible and desirable scenario."

Spanish Madrid, Spain

Pues espera sentado y llévate un bocadillo

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(Sit waiting and pack a sandwich) • It's often used when wanting to say "don't wait around" or "you'll be waiting a while."

"Llamé al director del hotel, pero no respondió." "Pues espera sentado y llévate un bocadillo!"

"I called the hotel manager, but he didn't pick up." "Better sit down and pack a sandwich."