
Italian | Regional Italian Italy


Slang USED Frequently BY everybody

(n.) • It means feeling sleepy and full after a big meal.

“Dopo pranzo mi è venuto l’abbiocco e mi sono messo a dormire”

"I felt the abbiocco after lunch and I went to sleep"



Italian | Regional Italian Northern Italy, Italy


Slang USED Frequently BY Young People

(n.) • It means "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". It is mainly used in the northern regions of Italy, like Veneto or Friuli.

"Ad ogni pranzo la nonna mi chiede se ho trovato la morosa"

"At every lunch (my) grandmother asks me if I've found a girlfriend yet"

Neapolitan | Italian Naples, Italy


Name USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(a ricotta cheese maker) • In Neapolitan, an Italian dialect, we say “ricuttàro” referring to someone that takes advantage of other people/ a slacker. The origin of this term is linked to the fact that ricotta is obtained from the waste of milk processing, therefore it’s a product that is obtained without any effort.

“Non hai ancora sistemato la tua stanza? Si nu’ ricuttàro!”

“Haven't you tidied up your room yet? You’re a slacker!”