

English | Yorkshire Yorkshire , United Kingdom


Slang USED Very frequently BY Yorkshire folk

(Thanks) • A slang word for Thanks derived from the Danish language's influence on the English language.

Person One: I will give you a ride to the post office. Person Two: Ta

Person One: I will give you a ride to the post office. Person Two: Thanks.

English | Northern UK (Yorkshire, Lancashire) North of England, United Kingdom

put wood int' 'ole

Expression USED On Occasion BY People from the North of England

(put the wood in the hole) • If somebody enters a room and neglects to close the door, this is what you say to them (Translation: “Put the wood in the hole”). It is mainly used by great uncles, but the expression appears to be in less frequent usage than it once was.

"Ey up, lad! It's monkeys outside. Were tha born in a barn? Put wood int' 'ole, will ya?"

"Hey, boy! It's cold outside. Were you born in a barn? Put the wood in the hole, will you?"

English | Yorkshire Yorkshire, United Kingdom

siling it down

Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

Just a local way in Yorkshire and the North East of England to talk about heavy rainfall.

"It's siling it down out there."