nu komt de aap uit de mouw*

* now the monkey comes out of the sleeve

Dutch Netherlands

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Everybody

When everything suddenly makes sense. The truth comes out. The cat is out of the bag. Someone's true nature becomes clear.

Caleb wil geld van zijn vader. Hij gaat bij zijn vader op bezoek. Zijn vader vindt dat heel gezellig. Dan vraagt Caleb om geld. Zijn vader zegt: “Nu komt de aap uit de mouw! Je kwam niet voor de gezelligheid, je komt alleen omdat je geld wil.”

Caleb wants money from his father. He visits his father. His father really enjoys the company. Then Caleb asks his father for money. His father says: "Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve! You didn't come here to keep me company, you just came here because you wanted money."