


Portuguese Brazil

Interjection USED Very frequently BY Everyone

Opa is a Brazilian slang with a multitude of meanings. It means "yes", "sure", or even "hello" (or "hey"). Depending on the context, it might also mean "hold on/wait" or "oops".

"Opa, quer tomar uma cerveja?" "Opa! Vamos sim!" "Vou pegar essa caneta aqui e já devolvo." "Opa, essa caneta é da minha esposa. Melhor pedir para ela antes de pegar." "Opa, tem um erro de sintaxe no meu código. Melhor eu corrigir."

"Hey, wanna grab a beer?" "Sure! Let's go!" "I'm gonna take this pen over here, I'll return it in a sec." "Hold on, this pen is my wife's. You'd better ask her before taking it." "Oops, there's a syntax error in my code. Let me fix it."