zmienić płytę*

* to change the record

Polish Poland

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

it's used when one's run out of patience and got fed up with hearing the same, usually negative thing, and want the other person to stop saying whatever it is they were saying

"Marcel wczoraj zszedł się z Aurelią, jak nic niedługo znowu zerwą, kto by tam z nim wytrzymał..." "Zmień płytę, dobra? Wiem, że im nie kibicujesz, ale Marcel to mój przyjaciel, więc zachowaj to dla siebie, z łaski swojej!"

"Marcel got together with Aurelia yesterday, I bet they're going to break up again soon tho, I mean, who would put up with him..." "Change the record, will ya? I know you're not rooting for them, but Marcel is my friend, so be so kind and keep it to yourself!"