
Bucharest, Romania

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Romanian Romania and Moldova

la paștele cailor

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(at the horse's Easter) • It means "never".

"Când îmi dai banii înapoi?" "La paștele cailor!"

"When will you give me my money back?" "At the horse's Easter!"

Romanian Romania

a o șterge englezește

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to leave English-style) • It means to leave quickly from a location without being seen.

"Ai văzut-o pe Maria? Trebuie să vorbesc cu ea." "Nu, a șters-o englezește."

"Have you seen Maria? I have to talk to her." "No, she left English-style."

Romanian Romania and Moldova

la mama dracului

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(at the devil's mother) • It is used for something that is very far away.

"Vrei să mergem la cinema?" "Nu. E la mama dracului."

"Do you want to go to the cinema?" "No. It's at the devil's mother."

Romanian Romania


Interjection USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(cats) • It is a kid friendly equivalent of "oh, shit!". It is used to express surprise or when somebody is upset.

"Iar am picat examenul la literatură. Pisici..."

"I failed the literature exam again. Cats..."

Romanian Romania

a da la rațe

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to feed the ducks) • To vomit.

"Ai băut atât de mult aseară, încât ai dat la rațe."

"You drank so much last night that you fed the ducks."

Confirmed by 2 people

Romanian Romania

a freca menta

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(to rub the mint) • It means to waste time, to do something useless, to be lazy.

"Nu mai freca menta și fă-ți temele!"

"Stop rubbing the mint and do your homework!"

Confirmed by 4 people

Romanian Romania

aragaz cu patru ochi

Slang USED Very frequently BY Children, Teens

(stove with four eyes) • It is a mild insult to people who wear glasses, frequently used among classmates.

"Alex a început să poarte ochelari. E un aragaz cu patru ochi."

"Alex started to wear glasses. He is a stove with four eyes."

Confirmed by 4 people