Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(flying hours ) • Hours of experience.

“Ik hou van schilderen maar ik heb nog niet genoeg vlieguren om het goed te doen.”

“I love painting, but I don’t have enough flying hours to do it well”

German Austria


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people, elderly people

(amniotic sac) • Synonym for hot water bottle, with the connotations of comfort, being sick and getting better

"Oma macht dir dein Fruchtblasl, damit du gesund wirst."

"Grandma will get you your hot water bottle to help you get better soon."

English United Kingdom

brass monkey weather

Expression USED On Occasion BY People from Yorkshire

The expression "it is cold enough to freeze the balls of a brass monkey" comes from the practice of putting iron cannon balls on a dimpled brass plate on the deck of a warship. When very cold the brass contracted sufficiently to cause the iron balls to fall out.

"Goodness, my fingers are freezing! It’s brass monkey weather! "

Dutch Netherlands

de tering

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(tuberculosis) • It's over, everything bad.

"De hele stad gaat naar de tering."

"The whole city is going to the tuberculosis."


Russian Russia


Interjection USED Frequently BY Especially young people

(metal sheet) • Colloquial way of saying "damn“. Used to express surprise in a sympathetic way, usually as a reaction to some bad news.

"Прикинь, сегодня меня чуть не сбила машина» «Жесть!"

"Guess what, I almost got hit by a car today“ "Metal sheet!“

Apulian Apulia, Italy

a stare

Expression USED Very frequently BY Young people

When you're in a chill situation, like having a drink with friends for no reason, or doing nothing in general while being relaxed. In dialect the verb "stare" (to stay) is used almost like the verb "essere" (to be), so it's like the action of being located in a place, with no motion.

"Guardalo, sta lì sulla sdraio con il suo spritz... proprio a stare."

"Look at him, just sitting there on the deckchair with his spritz... just staying there."

Dutch Netherlands

niet pluis

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(not fluffy) • Used when someone has a feeling that something is up, not quite right, or feeling a little scared and unsafe.

"Ik hou er niet van om naar het wijkcentrum te gaan. Het is daar niet helemaal pluis."

“I don't like going to the community center. Something is not quite fluffy there.”

Dutch Netherlands

mama appelsap

Name USED Very frequently BY most people

(mama apple juice) • A name used for mishearing a Dutch word in a foreign language song. The name refers to the vocalizations "ma-ma-coo-sah" at the beginning of the song Wanna be startin' somethin' by Michael Jackson (1983), which to Dutch ears sounded like "mama appelsap", which has since turned into the name of the phenomena of hearing Dutch lyrics in foreign songs.

"Ik kan echt niet luisteren naar dat nummer zonder een mama appelsap te horen."

“I honestly can't listen to that song without hearing a mama apple juice.”


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(pepper expensive) • Very expensive.

"Die jas is echt peperduur!"

"That jacket is really pepper expensive!"


Dutch Netherlands

niet de bedoeling

Word USED On Occasion BY some people

(not the intention) • A way to say you disapprove of what is happening, or think that what is happening is ludicrous.

"Ik heb het geld voor eten gebruikt om sigaretten te kopen." "Ja maar dat is niet de bedoeling!"

“I used the food money to buy cigarettes.” "Yes, but that's not the intention!"

Dutch Netherlands

vlees in de kuip

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(meat in the tub) • Knowing 'what kind of meat you have in the tub' is about what someone is worth, what his qualities and skills are, what value he can bring to you. The expression probably comes from buying barrels of meat before the existence of fridges.

"We laten hem eerst even 1 week proefwerken, om te zien wat voor vlees we in de kuip hebben."

"We'll let him do a trial run for a week first, to see what kind of meat we have in the tub."

Dutch Netherlands

pak 'm beet

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(grab it) • Used when making a rough estimate about something.

"Deze man werkt hier volgens mij al pak 'm beet 20 jaar.'

"This man has been working here for grab it 20 years."

Italian | Romanesco Rome, Italy


Interjection USED Frequently BY People from Rome

(my balls) • An interjection that expresses stupor and surprise, and sometimes disbelief. Similar to “Wow” or “No way”. Used commonly in Rome, but also in other cities in the Lazio region, such as Anzio, Latina or Nettuno.

"Hai sentito? “Pellegrini ha appena vinto il Pallone d’Oro.” “Mecojoni!”

“Did you hear? Pellegrini just won the Ballon d'Or.” “My balls!”


Hebrew Israel

הכל טוסט

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(everything is toast) • A play on the words "hakol tov" meaning "everything is good".

"מה שלומך?" "הכל טוסט"

"How are you?" "Everything is toast."


Portuguese Brazil

cabra de sorte

Slang USED Frequently BY Some people

(goat of luck) • The word 'cabra' is actually in play here, as in some places in Brazil people use it to describe 'person' or 'man'... so 'cabra de sorte' means a lucky person.

"Marcos é um cabra de sorte, ele ganhou $ 500 numa raspadinha de loteria outro dia!"

"Marcos is a goat of luck, he won $500 on a lottery scratch-off the other day!"

English United Kingdom

at it like knives

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people

1. To be exuberantly having sex. 2. To argue loudly (rarer) A slightly old-fashioned phrase.

"I could hear my neighbours at it like knives all night!"

French Canada


Portmanteau USED Frequently BY people at the office

A contraction of "jeudi" (Thursday) and "vendredi" (Friday) and it's what we call it when you have Friday off work, so that your Thursday becomes your Friday i.e. your last work day for the week.

"Bon jeudredi tout le monde!" "Ah oui, tu as congé demain!"

"Happy Thriday everyone!" "Oh right, you're off tomorrow!"

Turkish Turkey


Word USED Very frequently BY young people

Slang for "penis", sometimes used to refer to an item of bad quality or a surprising find.

"Tavsiye ettiğin yemek yarrak gibiymiş."

"The food you've recommended turned out to be like a dick."


English United Kingdom

chocolate teapot

Expression USED Frequently BY Most people

Something or someone that is a of little practical use. Sometimes "fireguard" is substituted for "teapot".

"Rishi has made a mistake again. I swear he is about as useful as a chocolate teapot."

English United States


Neologism USED Very frequently BY tiktok people

To have "rizz" means to be charismatic or romantically attractive.

"damn, that guy has rizz. every girl wants to be with him"