Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Hashtag USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(#BagChallenge) • A hashtag created by the supporters of the PAS political party to condemn the actions and behavior of the current ex-president of Moldova, Igor Dodon (2016 - 2020), who organized electoral debates on TV without the participation of his opponent.

"Pe rețelele de socializare a început o adevărată luptă a "kulioacelor" prin intermediul hashtag-ului #kuliokchallenge."

"A real fight of "bags" started on social media through the hashtag #BagChallenge."

Russian | Moldovan Moldova


Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Teens

(in any case) • Internet slang abbreviation for "по-любому", meaning "in any case".

"Eu plbm nu înțeleg ce se întâmplă."

"In any case, I don't understand what's going on."

Romanian | Moldovan Moldova

de parcă s-a spânzurat cineva

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(as if someone had been hanged) • This idiom is used to express surprise when the wind is blowing very hard, especially in autumn or spring.

"Off, Dumnezeule! Ce mai suflă vântul, de parcă s-a spânzurat cineva!"

"Off, my God! How the wind blows, as if someone had been hanged!"



Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • It is used for describing an act of corruption.

"Nu am văzut niciodată un kuliok vorbitor."

"I've never seen a talking bag."


Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (n.) Watermelon

"Niciodată nu am mâncat un harbuz atât de gustos!"

"I've never eaten such a tasty watermelon!

Confirmed by 3 people


Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (n.) Cat

"Ce mâță frumoasă!"

"What a beautiful cat!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(noun) • (girlish) • Male person with female physical and behavioral characteristics and who prefers the company of women.

"Nu poți înceta să fii un fătălău?"

"Can't you stop being girlish?"

Confirmed by 3 people

Romanian | Moldovan Moldova

cum spune rusul

Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(as the Russian says) • It is used in sentences that contain Russian words, expressions, etc.

"Știi... cum spune rusul: лучше поздно, чем никогда."

"You know... as the Russian says: better late than never."

Russian | Moldovan Moldova


Name USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(Pussies) • Russians living in Moldova use this vulgar name to refer to a very poor region in which a person lives.

"Ничего не знаешь, как будто живешь в Пиздюшанах!"

"You don't know anything, as if you live in Pussies!"

Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Abbreviation USED In the past BY Almost Everyone

(thanks) • Internet slang abbreviation for "spasibo", meaning "thanks".

"Îmi place foarte mult rochia ta!" "Spasibo!"

"I really like your dress!" "Thanks!"