Italian Tuscany, especially in Florence and Livorno, Italy

il marchese

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(the marquis) • Used to indicate menstruation in some parts of Tuscany. It is actually "the red marquis", literally "the marquis dressed in red". It is used with the metaphor of a visit.

"Non mi va di andare a nuotare oggi, c'ho il marchese." "Il marchese doveva venire già da un po', mi inizio a preoccupare."

"Sorry I don't feel like swimming today, I have the marquis." "The marquis was supposed to visit but he didn't, I'm starting to worry."

Confirmed by 2 people

Italian | Tuscan Tuscany, Italy

la vita è come la scala del pollaio: corta e piena di merda

Expression USED Frequently BY Older Generations

(life is like the ladder to the hen-house: short and full of shit) • Used to say that life is short and difficult.

"Bimbo mio, abituati. La vita è come la scala del pollaio: corta e piena di merda."

"Sweet child, get used to it. Life is like the ladder to the hen-house: short and full of shit."

Confirmed by 4 people



Italian Tuscany, Italy


Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • Cool.

"Boia ganzo!"

"That's so cool!"

Confirmed by 8 people