Arabic Palestine

اللي خلف ما مات

Proverb USED On Occasion BY Elders

(the one who left (children) behind did not die) • It's a way to deliver condolences to the family (especially the children) of the deceased. It basically means if a parent left behind kids who he/she taught good values, wisdom, and faith, It's like they don't really die. The good things they taught their kids, which their kids can in turn pass on to their kids, makes them live on beyond their years.

"شد حيلك، اللي خلف ما مات."

"Stay strong. The one who left (children) behind, did not die."


Arabic Palestine

بتراب أبوك؟

Interjection USED On Occasion BY Elders

(over your father's grave?) • Its like saying "are you serious?" or "are you for real?". Muslims believe it's a serious matter to swear by god (or anything else). Therefore, to swear by a loved one's grave you have to be honest about what you are saying.

"إذا بتريد، بعطيك ألف شيكل!" "بتراب أبوك؟"

"If you want, I could give you 1000 Shekels." "Over your father's grave?"


Arabic Palestine


Word USED On Occasion BY Elders

It's a sound or a song melody that does not have a specific meaning, but is used to mean crazy or foolish.

"هاض زلمة ترللي."

"That man is taralali."


Marathi India

नाचता येईना अंगण वाकडे

Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Elders or peers

(unable to dance, calls the yard slanted) • This phrase is used to taunt someone who claims that a certain task can not be performed as a result of the bad external conditions rather than accepting that they have not mastered the skill themselves. It is generally not said directly to them, and is whispered to the other listener.

"मी चित्र रंगवू मस्त शकतो, पण रंगच खराब आहेत." "नाचता येईना अंगण वाकडे."

"I can paint very well, but actually the paints are quite bad." "He can't dance, and says that the yard is slanted"



Marathi Maharashtra, India

मी हिब्रूत बोललो/बोलले का ?

Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Anyone, generally elders or peers

(Did I speak in Hebrew?) • In order to grab attention or reiterate that one said the same thing as what the audience said, or also used in order to say that you already agree on the same point and have mentioned it.

"चहात साखर नाही आहे." "चहा गोड का नाही आहे?" "मग, मी आत्ता हिब्रूत बोललो का? चहात साखर नाही आहे."

"There's no sugar in the tea." "The tea isn't sweet." "Then did I speak in Hebrew right now? There's no sugar in the tea."